BYOW: Bring your own water

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Cake sits back and watches a cooking show until Fionna and Danny walk in. "Hey, what you watching?"

She quickly turns off the TV. "Uh, nothing!"

"Is that a cooking show?"

"No, of course not! It was... uh... a dirty movie! Yeah, an action-adventure dirty movie, that's it!"

Danny turns the TV back on and sees the program. "Cake! I didn't know you liked cooking! That's so cute!"

Cake: [ashamed] "Oh, it's true! I've been hiding it for so long."

"It's OK, Cake. I like cooking too."

"Thanks, you know before she vanished Slips offered to give me a few tips."

"Oh, I'm sorry Cake."

"I guess I'll have to settle for tasting instead of creating for now." Hermes walks in, "Cake, It has come to my attention that this company has been paying you to do nothing but occasionally babysit on the couch."

"Excuse me, need I point out how many times I saved you, the crew, and filled in for a broken part on the ship and this crumpy building!"

"I'm well aware of that but if you want to continue drawing a salary you gotta do more than watch the cooking shows all day when a delivery is not in progress."

"Hmm." She rubs her chin.


Beth, Chris, Wallow, Danny, and Fionna sit at the table while Cake stands next to it wearing a chef's hat and an apron.

"You're gonna be the ship's cook?"

"Yup! No more food in pills. We're gonna kick it up a notch old-school style. Bam!"

"I know you like cooking shows Cake, but you've spent most of your life being served food. Do you even know how most of the kitchen appliances even work?" Beth said.

"Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top." she snaps her fingers.

Impossibear: "Bam!"

On Neo-Mars, Gary, Beth, Fionna, Danny, and Cake walk around a street called Little Neptune to gather ingredients. Chris is also walking behind them pushing Conner in a stroller.

"So this is Little Neptune?" Gary asked.

"Yep. Every chef knows that this is the place to get exotic gourmet ingredients." Cake said. "According to the tv."

"Among other things." Beth pointed out.

Fionna walks past a man who wears a long coat.

Organ Dealer: "Psst! You want to buy organ?" He opens his coat to reveal human organs pinned to the inside like knock-off watches. "Fresh and cheap. Ready for transplant!"

"Uh... shouldn't those things be kept in a freezer?"

"What are you, narc?" He quickly turns away from her.

Cake walks up. "What are those?" She points out. "Ah! These are X-ray eyes. See-through anything!"

Cake reads the label. "Wait a minute! This says Z-Ray."

Organ Dealer: "Z is just as good. It is better, two more than X."

"Hmm, I can see where that would be an advantage. Do you take cash?" She takes out her wallet but Fionna quickly pulls her away and they carry on walking.

"Cake, we have to be more careful. This isn't our hometown or home planet."

Beth: "She's right and since you guys are from pre-planet colonization most of your lives, you don't fully know how things work here."

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