A flight to Remember

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Now that Earth is included with the UOOPP everything is smooth sailing for the crew, right? Wrong! Communication may be up but there is still a lot of progress to make and right now the only ones who seem to have advanced space travel is Bmore. Everyone's been busy with calls, orders even Professor Moe is working more. But the delivery crew assignments have become more exciting, to say the least. Their current task for instance.

The crew returns from another delivery. As they exit the ship we can see their hair is ruffled, their clothes are torn and dirty.

Fionna: "That was the worst delivery ever."

Cake: "I never want to see a planet with the word, "Cannibal" again!"

Danny: "You said it kitty."

Meeting Room. Giovanna sits at the table, drinking from a cup. She turns around when the crew walks in. "Oh, great news, everyone."

Wallow: "Save it! We quit!"

Giovanna: "In that case, I'll have to hire a new crew to go on our company vacation."

Fionna & Cake: "Vacation?"

Wallow: "Alright!" He and Danny high-five.

Danny: "This is great! I haven't had time off since I was 21 and 24."

They sit down. "It's just my way of thanking you for not reporting my countless violations of safety and risking your selves for my business.

Cake: "Aww, you!" She knocks Giovanna affectionately on the shoulder. "There's an open bar right?"

"I've booked us all on the maiden voyage of the largest, most luxurious space cruise ship ever built." She pulls out a brochure. "The Titanic!"

The Titanic is a futuristic space version of the original, with bubble domes and rocket engines. And rings, of course.

Danny: "Looks nice."

Cake: "Isn't that the name of that movie with that Rich lady posing nude for a poor artist? Then the ship hits an iceberg."

"Indeed but Titanic was also the name of said ship. Interestingly enough we won't be the only Earthians to board the cruise line will be arriving here for pick up so I got a good deal on it."

Fionna; "Professor you're sure it's safe right?"

"Don't worry dear this ship was designed and staffed much more effectively than the original but just in case it also has plenty of escape pods. We'll be fine." the old scientist assured the blonde woman.

Ominous music. They carry on staring at the brochure. "Where is that coming from?" Cake looks around.


Scene: A huge new spaceport sits high above the skyline of New York City.

Cut to: Departures. The entire staff emerges from the travel tubes in the departure area which looks similar to that of an airport.

Ellis P: "Hey, uh, where's my suitcase?" His suitcase flies out from the tube and knocks him over. "Ow!"


Scene: South Street Spaceport. The huge Titanic sits moored to the port and The Mayor gives a speech. "As Mayor of New York, it's my pleasure to introduce the honorary captain for the Titanic's maiden voyage. A man who single-handedly defeated the Retiree People of the Assisted Living Nebula: Sam Brannigan!"

Bravest Warriors meet Fionna and CakeWhere stories live. Discover now