I met a LuiRobot

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Bravest Warriors: Lounge. All of the Planet Express staff except Fionna sits watching the TV.

Enter Fionna. "I just saw something incredibly cool: A big, floating ball that lit up with every color in the rainbow, plus some new ones that were so beautiful I almost fell to my knees and cried."

Fred: "Was it out in front of Discount Shoe Outlet?"

"Well, Yeah."

Beth: "They have a college kid wear that to attract customers."

"Well, I don't care if it was some kid in a costume. For one brief moment, I felt the heartbeat of creation, and it was one with my own."

Impossibear: "We all feel like that all the time. You don't hear us gassin' on about it."

"How can you people be so blasé? Here you are in the year 3000 or so, yet you just sit around like it's the stagnant time I thought I came from."

Des: "Or the dystopian World we come from."

"Boring? Wasn't that the period when they cracked the human genome and boy bands roamed the Earth?"

"Yeah. But now it's the distant future, On Mars! With hover cars!"

Danny: "She has a point. Why aren't we outdoing everything 21st-century people ever dreamed of?"

"Hey, you know what might be a hoot?"

IB"Locking these two turkeys in a closet,"

"Let's take the rest of the morning off and take Fionna, Jay, and Des to do everything they ever wanted to do."

Fionna: "Everything?"

"Except going to our space equivalent of Hooters."

Danny, Wallow, Cake, and Fionna groan sadly, "Aw..."

Jay: "What's Hooters?"

Beth: "It's a restaurant where the wait staff wear tops that complement their... features."

"Oh, I thought it was a strip club where no one gets undressed," Des said.

"It's still Something you two are not going to till you turn my age." Finn Mertens said on the interdimensional video screen. "I'll talk to you later Dad."  Jay turns the screen off.

"So what to do first?"

"Little Destiny?" The red-haired teen contemplated.


A space station orbits a big green planet. "Sal's Wrecking Co" is painted on the side.

Sal straps Des into a seat. "So one of your fantasies has always been to destroy a planet, huh?"

"Well, an uninhabited planet-sized rock." She aims a gun at the planet, fires, and blows the planet to pieces. She laughs while the others look on with blank expressions.

"Wow! The most humdrum activities look almost exciting through your eyes. What should we do next?"

Fionna: "I heard about their being a spot at the edge of the universe I wanna check to see if Prismo's there."

"Ooh! That sounds cool."

Zoidberg: "It's funny. You live in the universe, but you never do these things till someone comes to visit."


Edge of The Universe. The ship approaches a black/white boundary.

Giovanna: [from ship] "There it is! The edge of the universe!"

The ship cruises towards the edge of space and lands in a parking space. The crew gets out and walks to a wall separating space from the whiteness after it.

Bravest Warriors meet Fionna and CakeWhere stories live. Discover now