What is Love?

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Impossi-bear and Cake are sitting on the couch. Impossi-bear drinks slurm while Cake eats a hot dog.

"Mmm. Mmm! Now this is what I call a thousand years of progress: A Bavarian cream dog that's also self-microwaving!" She presses a button on the side of the cream dog and it microwaves itself.

Impossi-bear tips his empty bottle upside-down. "Aw, jeez. Let's just pray I have the energy to get myself another beer." On the remote, he presses a button. A hatch on the top of the TV opens up and an extending arm carrying a beer bottle extends across the room. It flicks the bottle cap off and Impossi-bear opens his mouth. The arm tips the bottle up and the beer splashes on his chest. "Oh, what is this, the Middle Ages?" He just about manages to move under the stream of beer.

Enter Wallow, Fionna, and Lil Destiny, in gym gear.

Fionna: "Look at you guys. No offense, Cake, but you've become one tubby tabby."

Cake licks some cream off her paw. "Tabby?"

Danny: "And, Possa, your beer belly's so big your belly button won't even go in. And that doesn't even make sense."

Wallow: "Come on. We're taking you lugs to the gym."

Cake: "What for? We can just sweat it out from home."

"Today's the grand opening of a new gym," Gary says as he enters with Jay.

"They got all sorts of advanced workout gear from other worlds," Marshall said wearing a Joey with Conner inside.

"Oh," Cake says unimpressed.

"You know I heard they have a massage station," Danny added which perked the cat's interest.

"Try a full-blown spa section." Wallow corrected.

"I'm in." Cake grabs a sweatband.

Enter Zoidberg wearing a tank and sweatbands around his head and wrists. "The gymnasium? Excellent, excellent. For some reason, I'm frisky as a squid on Tuesday." He clacks his claws.

A bit confused the others look to Jay and Wallow who both merely shrug, "We'll take your word for it."


Danny, Fionna, Cake, Des, Jay, Gary, Marshall Lee, Wallow, Fred, and Zoidberg walk into the gym.

They pass gym patrons, including a six-legged alien on a running machine, a woman using a Kegelcizer, and a punching bag with arms and gloves that repeatedly punches someone in the stomach.

Fred: "Hey, who's up for a nice, hot steam?"

Zoidberg shakes his head, "We crustaceans don't like steam. I'm going to go work out with the Nautilus!" he leaves for the court.

"Yeah, I think I'd rather sweat by exercising than sitting," Little Destiny said.

Jay: "Same I'm gonna check out this Yoga class I keep hearing our peers mention at school."

"Okay just remember our lunch at The Juice Bar," Fionna told them and they nodded as they left to do their own thing.

Fred: "Okay, that's three no-go's for a sauna. Anyone else?"

Marshall Lee: "Well, I'm down for it we just need to drop Con off with his pops."

Gary: "Speak of the devil." Everyone turns in the direction he's waving at.

"Hey." Chris and Beth arrive and greet the gang.

—Steam Room—

Fionna, Beth, Cake, and Danny relax in the sauna.

Bravest Warriors meet Fionna and CakeWhere stories live. Discover now