New Year, New Friends, New Planet

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After an eventful Christmas followed by a relaxing few days The Farmworld Mertens are ready to return to their home.

In the hanger, Jay is saying bye to his family once again.

"You sure you don't want to stay for New Year's? Danny assures that there's no homicidal holiday mascot." Jay told his dad.

"We know Jay, but we need to head back to the farm." his father explains.

"I know."

"Maybe you can Little Destiny can visit us?" his sister Bonnie suggested.

"We'd love to but-" An explosion is heard from Zoidberg's office.

"I think I mixed the wrong herbs!" the Dr. Shouted in pain.

Jay turns to his family, "We understand Jay. We'll call you on the communicator."

Jay smiles at his dad.


Farmworld. Mertens Farm.

Finn Mertens and his four children were teleported back home inside the barn. Peanut was beamed after.

Finn leads them to the door, "Okay kids, let's get resettled at home and start our chores if we- what the?!" he shouted as he opened the door to see their house busted up. Windows shattered, fences busted, doors barely hanging on the hinges, and there was even a hole in the roof.

"Our house!" Bonnie exclaimed as she and her sibling looked shocked at the damage around them.

"uh, guys..." Peanut calls for them from the exterior side of the barn. Once they arrive they look to see the symbol of a certain pain in the rump.

"Ugh! The Destiny Gang of course." Finn said with anger and irritation. "Should have known they wouldn't pass on the chance to mess with us when were not home."

"What if there still here?"

Before Finn could answer his youngest son's question, a loud noise was heard.

"AH!" A member of the Destiny gang was thrown out of the house and a mysterious figure grabbed it by the shirt and scanned it. "Gang member. IQ low. Age is not satisfactory. Send to rehabilitation planet."

Behind the barn, the Mertens and Peanut were watching as the robot beamed the guy away. "Do you think it's from Dr. Moe?" Bonnie asked in a whisper.

Finn narrows his eyes at the robot, "Maybe but right now we need to try and avoid it." he replies silently.

The robot appeared behind them. "Six Subjects found. Scanners complete. Status satisfactory. Begin teleportation."

Before Finn could shoot it he and the kids plus Jake were teleported to a lab.

"Crud! Where are we?"

Peanut points to something. "Look!" everyone gazed out the window and saw a futuristic city bustling with flying cars and people of various species.

"Holy cow! Either we were zapped to the future or an advanced alien planet." one of the boys said.


The door opens and two shadows walk in.

Terry is a blonde Caucasian with large glasses. Greets them melodramatically, "Welcome to the world of tomorrow!" The other shadow turns on the light. They are lab technicians both wearing white lab coats. The other, Lou, is a black-haired Asian. "Why do you always have to say it that way?"

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