When the past catches up, sometimes it stinks: Literally!

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It's been a while since Wallow awakened. Now that he is fully healed the crew just needs to figure out how to get him home without alerting the earth's authorities. They'd use the express ship but it's not registered yet by the order of Planets standards to avoid hostile defenses from Neo Mars. So they have to wait for the call. In the meantime, Wallow has helped teach Jay and Zoidberg all he knows in the medical field. He's even been helping Marshall, Gary, and Cake with baby Con, but the large Brave Warrior has been acting strange when it comes to Danny and the little Merwif hopefully all will be revealed.

Present time: Meeting Room.

The staff sits around the table. "Good news, everyone. Tomorrow you'll be making a delivery to Ebola 9, the virus planet. Lucky for you the new protection suits just came in."

"So, why can't they go today?"

"Because tonight's a special night and I want all of you to be present and healthy. It's the Academy of Inventors' annual symposium."

Danny: "Wow! I love symposiums."

"It's the event of the scientific season. Every member presents an invention and the best one wins the Academy prize."

"Sounds interesting and boring." Des casually states. "You said it, girl." Agreed Cake.

"Oh, my, yes. But not this year, because my latest invention is unbeatable. Behold! The death clock." She places a small black box on top of the table. "Simply jam your finger in the hole and the screen tells exactly how long you have left to live."

"Does it work?" Fionna asks.

"Well, it's occasionally off by a few seconds. What with free will and all."

"Sounds like fun. How long do I have left to live?" Danny puts his finger in the hole and the clock dings.

"Dang man!" Marshall whistles.

"Dibs on his CD player!" Wallow claims.

Time skip to the Academy of Inventors.

The room is filled with scientists, all wearing white lab coats. Fionna is wearing a simple formal dark blue gown. Cake is wearing a purple pantsuit with a floral headpiece. Danny, Fred, and Jay are in suits. Des is wearing a formal shirt with pants. BMO wears a top hat and talks to Mo. "Oh, my, yes."

"Who's she?" He points to a picture of a young geek on the wall. "That's me at the very first symposium. I'm the Academy's oldest living member, you know. These youngsters all look up to me."

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to show her wrinkled face."

"Why don't you just leave me alone, Wernstrom?"

"Face it, Giovanna, you're over the hill. It's time to leave science to the 62-year-olds."

"You young Turks think you know everything. I was inventing things when you were barely potty trained."

Wernstrom laughs. "Go home before you embarrass yourself, old lady. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a victory nap before the ceremonies." He leaves.

"Who's that jerk?"

"A couple of years ago he was my most promising student at University. But then, after one fateful pop quiz..."

[Flashback: Mars University. A younger Giovanna hands a younger Wernstrom a piece of paper. "A-minus? No one gives Ogden Wernstrom an A-minus!"

"I'm sorry, but penmanship counts."

"I swear I'll have my revenge even if it takes me a hundred years."

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