Chapter 101

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Liam cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow. "So, do you want to ride together today?" he asked while he cocked his head and studied me.

"Not today," my father said with a shake of his head, and we looked at him before we looked at each other and held back a shrug. "She will be able to ride with you later, Liam, but unfortunately, I don't think it would be wise to do it now."

My father dipped his head closer to his chest while he stared at me, silently telling me that he didn't want me to use the saddle or bridle out in the open just yet, even though I had been using it in the arena but with other "magical" people near me.

I bit back a small sigh before I slowly nodded and rubbed Vanar's neck, sheepishly. "Ok," I said and I nodded before I looked at Liam and gave him a hesitant smile. "We can ride together tomorrow."

Liam looked relieved and looked between the two of us. He smiled and nodded while he looked at me. "Good," he said before he cleared his throat and grew serious. "Are you still going to continue to ride Shadow more today?" he asked and raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't mind watching you for a bit."

His cheeks turned slightly red while he rubbed the bridge of his neck, and I couldn't help but start to blush as well.

My father looked between us with an amused look on his face. He didn't say a word while he did so, and I had a feeling that he could tell that we were attracted to each other but nervous to do anything with each other.

Vanar snorted and rolled his eyes and shook his head. He nuzzled my boot and flicked his tail in annoyance and amusement. "Why don't you answer him?" he teased while he nuzzled my boot again. "There is no need for you to leave him hanging like this."

"Yes," I said and nodded. "I wasn't finished riding with him anyway." I rubbed my horse's neck before I looked at my horse.

Vanar nuzzled my boot before he whickered and while he nuzzled my boot again. He flicked his tail and pawed the ground before he bobbed his head up and down. "Good," he teased. "I wasn't done with you either."

I held back an eye roll and bit back a small scowl, but I couldn't help but be amused that he wasn't done with me anyway.

Liam bit back a small smile before he chuckled and slowly nodded. "Good," he said before he cleared his throat and grew serious before he raised an eyebrow in question. "What are you going to do with him now?"

I shrugged before I grimaced. "I might do some more jumps," I replied, "and then we'll be working on something else."

"Maybe we should do some dressage," Vanar said and flicked his tail. "That will be fun and a good bonding experience as well."

I held back an eye roll before I bit back a small smile, silently agreeing with him. "And maybe a bit of dressage," I said with a slight nod.

Liam nodded. "Well, I hope that you two enjoy," he said and made a small gesture as if to say for us to start before he looked at Vanar. "Don't be too hard on her, Shadow. She needs to be pushed but not pushed that much." He winked teasingly, and my cheeks turned redder.

"Liam," I said and rubbed my cheeks to try and calm down while Vanar snorted and nodded. "Please, don't say that."

"I already did," he said and winked again, and my cheeks turned another shade of red.

Meanie, I thought while I bit the inside of my lip. "Shut up," I said with a small groan in my voice. "Please, just shut up."

Liam shook his head and bit back a small smile. "Go ahead and start finishing riding with each other," he said, "and have fun."

I rolled my eyes but did what I was told to do and started to ride on Vanar, gaining a stronger bond between the two of us with both Liam and my dad watching over us.


After an hour or so later, both Vanar and I were tired and sweaty and ready to be done, so after I made sure that he was cooled down, I got out of the saddle with a small groan of pain while my legs buckled slightly under my weight.

"Are you ok?" Liam asked, concerned while he watched me lean against my horse, taking a deep breath. He furrowed his brows and cocked his head while he studied me, and I could tell that he wanted to go to me but didn't because my father was still there.

I nodded and bit the inside of my lip before I cleared my throat. "I am," I said while I rubbed Vanar's neck when he turned to look at me, also concerned. "I shouldn't have been in the saddle for that long yet."

Liam furrowed his brows further and frowned. "What do you mean by yet?" he asked, concerned. "What happened? Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

I shook my head and bit back a small smile, feeling happy and relieved that he cared about me, even though I had no idea why he did so. "I am ok," I said. "I am just sore because I rode Shadow for a long time."

Liam pressed his lips into a thin line before he slowly nodded. He didn't say a word, and I could tell that he was still worried and didn't believe me.

"I am," I said and nodded again before I cleared my throat and shifted on my feet. "I am going to take care of Shadow and then get myself ready to go home. I think I need to get something to eat because I'm actually hungry." My stomach growled when I said that, and both my father and Liam chuckled.

"I can come with you," Liam said with a slight nod in his head, and his cheeks turning slightly red, and my cheeks turned redder as well. "If you like."

"Sure," I said before I cleared my throat and walked over to his stirrups and quickly rolled them up so that they wouldn't hit against his side. "Then, come on and let's go get that done." I looked at my dad, who was still watching us, amused. "Are you coming with us, Papa?" I asked and cocked my head while I studied him and made it back to Vanar's shoulder.

"Let them go alone, Your Majesty," Vanar said and nuzzled my shoulder, and I patted his shoulder. "They will be fine alone together."

My father looked at me before he looked at Liam and then at my horse. He subtly nodded before he cleared his throat and shook his head. "I will wait for you in the car, Ley, with Tig," he said while he dipped his head closer to his chest. "You will be fine."

I hesitated before I slowly nodded. "Ok," I said before I cleared my throat and dipped my head closer to my chest. "Thank you." I looked at Liam and raised an eyebrow. "Are you ready?"

He nodded and walked over to the gate, and I followed him on the other side. "I will open the gate for you so that you don't have to," he said and gave me a small smile, and I gave him a smile and nodded.

"Thank you," I said before I cleared my throat and dipped my head closer to my chest, feeling grateful. "I do appreciate it."

"Of course," he said and nodded again while he grabbed the gate's latch and opened the gate for me. "I would do anything for you. I promise."

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