Creepy as Fuck

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Evan rushed over to Tyler, taking the book from his hands. "What do you mean you know how to get us home?" He demanded and Tyler set the pot down, taking the book back.

"Look, it's a diary. Apparently this isn't the first time this has happened, last time a smaller group was taken from our world and brought here. Look, this guys name is Jaren, he said he was brought here with some people named John, Matt, Nelson, Chris, and Eric they were stuck here for 4 years before figuring out to get home. They were a bunch of teens then, this Jaren guy was only 15 when he got here," he said, pointing at a journal entry.

"They also had counterparts show up about 3 years into their stay, and were stuck with them for a year. Their names were Smiity, Kryoz, Blarg, Grizzy, Puffer, and Dooo. They figured out how to break the spell and go home I'm assuming because that's the last entry, it just says "John and Chris did it, they figured it out. We're finally going home." That was written a month before we got here," he said and Evan exchanged glances with Brian and Brock, who were next to Scotty still though Marcel was holding him.

"I don't want to leave you," Zip said quietly, Terroriser and Basically nodding in agreement. Tyler looked at him with a slightly sad frown, biting his lip as he thumbed through the journal.

"Oh wait, look at this," he said, showing Evan the journal entry. Evan took it and read it out loud, eyes wide.

"The counterpart spell is permanent apparently, these guys are attached to us, manifesting everything we're not. Eric thinks that when we go home, they'll come with us, but he isn't sure. I guess we'll figure it out later," he said and Zip and Terroriser looked up hopefully.

Brock made a face, glancing at Moo but Daithi leaned over to whisper something to him, making Brock's face shift to shock. Evan had seen Moo and Nogla protect Terroriser when he'd fallen, and it had surprised him so much he'd almost gotten a face full of acid poison. Thankfully Jon had shoved him out of the way and he'd gotten his head back in the game.

"We can deal with that later. We need to finish going through this base and get home before it gets dark," Evan said finally and Tyler nodded, closing the journal and slipping it into his bag.

"Everyone in groups, safety in numbers!" Brian called and everyone split into 4 groups. Evan stood with Vanti, Jon and Delirium and they went to the left.

"Imagine, we can go home," Jon whispered longingly and Evan smiled faintly at him, nudging him with his arm. "It's going to be so weird not having you all around all the time though, will we see each other again?" Jon asked worriedly and Evan took his hand.

"Of course we will. We've been through too much shit, we'll just have to find each other online yeah?" He reassured him and Jon smiled faintly.

"I wonder how much has changed, its been 4 years. Are they still looking for us?" He asked sadly and Evan shrugged.

"That journal said that the first group had been here for four years, and I think I remember that name, Jaren. It was the talk of Canada for a while, he'd gone to bed normally and the next morning gone. No leads, no motivation, no nothing. His parents were distraught, and they never gave up on him. I think I remember the day he'd been found, because that had made the news too. It was a whole thing," Evan said, frowning as he tried to remember.

"You know about the kid?" Jon asked shocked and Evan nodded. "I think so, if it's the right one. They'd said he'd come back one night, shaken and sad, talking about magic and witches," he said, eyes wide as he suddenly remembered.

"It is him, oh fuck. When we get home, I'm going to have to reach out to him," he said and Jon nodded quickly. "We'll have to find the others too, it'd be nice to have someone other than us to talk about it to," he said and Evan nodded.

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