Serendipity in solitude

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Nitara's POV

I like to believe that for everything that goes wrong something good happens but it doesn't always apply to my situations.

I sometimes wake up in the morning with absolutely no energy. No energy to survive the day or deal with people. Today is one of those days. I somehow get the courage to get out of bed and get ready. It's been a week since I've started my internship at Fisco as an editor.

I've always loved literature and wanted to do something related to that, editor was the closest thing I could think of. My mother was the reason I got into reading. She was an English teacher who got me to read Shakespeare at 12. I really did enjoy it even though I couldn't understand half of it, She helped me. I've not stopped reading since, though the genres have definitely changed.

Getting ready, I head downstairs with my plan set- avoid them both. I look at the clock realizing I'm a bit late.

Bit? It's 9:30 already you were supposed to be there at 9:30.

It's okay to not have a proper time schedule and be punctual sometimes, right? And anyways There isn't much for me to do there but I take every opportunity to work. This internship is really important for me. It's all for the experience at the end of the day.

"Nitara, come home early today there are guests coming"
The Malhotra's? I almost ask but stop myself. I'm not supposed to know that so I just simply nod and leave

I put on my playlist and listen to music the whole drive to the office.

Music is my way of expressing myself. Music bonding, I think, is the most honest conversation two people can have because the music you listen to is what you feel and connect to. Raw, No filter. It sometimes tells more about a person than a fake talk over the phone.

The office is almost 20 minutes away from home which means I'm super late but thankfully for me Ms. Neha is still not here. She's the person I'm working under. I had this stereotypical image of a boss set in my mind. Someone rude, arrogant and pretty much an asshole but She's not, on the contrary she's super kind and supportive. A true mentor. It's that or I still don't know the real her. I guess the future awaits

I get in and settle down, taking my phone out of the bag and see a text message from my father on the Lock Screen.

Be home by 7.

That's all it says.
Geez a text message too? It must be something really serious.


The to-do list for the day was simple-
1. Be calm
2. Avoid people

So far so good. I look at the time again, I really don't want to be late getting home. I don't have the energy for more drama. The Malhotra's are like family so if it is them coming I don't think it'll be that big of a deal. It's almost 6:30 and I ask Ms. Neha if it's okay for me to leave. I do everything I can to not make her mad at me at any point of this internship. I cannot afford a boss who hates me.

It is only after she says yes that I leave and reach home by 7. 6:59 to be exact.

I'm not late.

There is one thing that I've been trying to avoid thinking about and I push away any thoughts of him. I notice a car in the parking lot and spot the Malhotra car.

Right as always.

I get out of the car and enter the house, mentally preparing myself to deal with people.
"Nitara" dad calls out from the living room. I take a deep breathe in and plaster a fake smile.

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