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Ishaan's POV

What is the perfect date for a girl who loves books? To recreate her perfect bookish date.

I texted Adity to help me with the perfect date for Nitara. She told me how she loved this book with a bookstore date and I stayed up all night reading it to make sure it was perfect. I also had to look into other books to make the scavenger hunt but that wasn't so hard.

I think Nitara knows what I'm up to but she hasn't  said anything yet. I kept the same notes in the books as the main character did in the book, just added my little touch. If this was something that would make nitara happy I would do it.

After the bookstore date we went to Ethan garden. This was something I did totally on my own and I hate to admit I was fucking nervous. What if she doesn't like it?

I had set everything on my own just because I wanted it to be perfect.
Did I had to cancel all my meetings? Yes
Was dad and dadu probably gonna scold me? Yes
Was it unprofessional of me? Yes
So I regret it? Fuck no

I turned on the music and sat next to her. She looks so fucking beautiful in that black dress. Like the sun glows inside her chest and the moon echos from her eyes, like she's got oceans stuck away in her hair and flower petals for lips.

I want to touch those petals with my lips.

She smelled like lavender and white roses and felt as fragile and satiny as her black dress.

She was astonishingly beautiful.

She snapped her fingers in front of my eyes. "Hello?"

Okay maybe don't stare so obviously Ishaan.

"Yup right here sorry"
"This is beautiful Ishaan, thankyou"
"I'm glad you liked it"
"You did this on your own?" She looks around.

"Kind of"
"It's really pretty" a smile touched her lips
"Anyways moving on let's eat" I grabbed the box of food and opened it. I asked Kabir to keep the box later so the food doesn't get cold.

"I thought we were going to starve, '' she said.
"What are your plans for your birthday?" She asked

"I don't know" I took out spoons and forks from the plate "probably going to sleep"
"Productive" she replied,

My birthday is this Thursday. I was never really that excited for my birthday even when I was a kid, it all seemed pretty useless. The only thing I did enjoy though was the cake and decorations for my party but with time I got older and it stopped being such a big deal for everyone. Now I can't just tell my family to throw me a party, that's childish right?

Yes it is.

I look over at Nitara to find her staring at the sky. The stars shining bright with the moon being the center of attention of the whole sky. It wasn't really a clear sky but it was clear enough for the moon to peek through the clouds and make itself visible.

"How could someone not fall in love with the moon?" She says, her eyes still on the moon.

The light of the fairy lights fell on her face and her eyes sparkled. I knew it was definitely not because of the light but  because her eyes sparkled when she talked about something she truly loved.

"The moons allure is undeniable"
"It's almost like a timeless dance between night and dreams" she replies

I can't stop looking at her.

"Moonlit dreams twirl in the nights enchanted dance"
A smile ghosts her lips and she laughs

I can't stop looking at her.

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