Rainy Roadside Revelations

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Ishaan's POV

Pictures hold memories. Pictures are memories.

It's how every picture tells a story. A new one.

How every picture has something to say.

They are still but playing somehow.

They make sure that looking at it again can make you feel all types of emotions. Nostalgia, happiness, sadness and what not.

There are few things in life that are constant

For example how every morning, like clockwork, Kabir just has to fucking get on my nerve.

I approve the paperwork for the project details and get back to packing.

Yesterday was fucking exhausting. It revolved around me attending meetings and also included me having to tolerate that little shit.

Rev Anand might actually be murdered by me soon.

Not a single day passes when I don't regret signing those papers.

A part of me also fucking knows that these shits are involved in some shady stuff. It's written on his face.

The way his work is so irritatingly messy makes it very visible that he's never done this before and neither have I but the difference is that I'm willing to fucking learn.

I take a deep breath and cool down a little.

Spending 2 days with Tara. That's exactly what I need. She calms me.

"Bhai, do you think it's a good idea to take only one car?"

He, on the other hand, does not.

"What do you want" Kabir enters my room even though I don't allow him to.

Geez. Why do I even put the efforts to close the door.

"I'm just saying..it's a good opportunity for you and bhabhi to spend time together. Having me and Adity in your car will just make us all uncomfortable and awkward." He said "I don't want to ruin my vacation"

"What are you trying to say?" I turn towards him
"Can we please take separate cars? And you know we'll leave with the family knowing that me and you are in one car and Adity and Nitara in one and then we can switch"

He narrates the whole plan to me.

And not that I would ever admit but it was a pretty solid plan. I hate how it did not come to my mind first.

"You in?" He asks
"Yes" I confirm.

I text Nitara about the plan.


"Ishaan ek kam karo upar jake Nitara ke baga le ao, Adity ke to already neeche hai" Raj uncle says

It was my dads idea to go help uncle out. It was also encouraged by my mother with the words-

"Good idea, Ishaan should play a good son in law role. We've taught him well, should not give anyone the opportunity to say ki hamne kuch sikhaya nhi"

And that's why I am here. Not because of the whole son in law thing but to help uncle.

I go up the stairs to get the bags and wonder to myself that the last time I was here I didn't pay much attention to anything.

The walls up the stairs are covered with pictures, photo frames.

They date back to when Nitara was born to her farewell to her graduation and so on.

I can't help but notice that in all these pictures there was not one picture of aunty.

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