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Note: this is totally non canon and does not affect the current story line

Mia sighed as she stared up at the ceiling of her bedroom, the cool October breeze wafting in through the open window. She lay sprawled across her floral comforter, absentmindedly twirling a strand of hair around her finger. With Halloween only a few days away, she knew she should be excitedly planning her costume. But instead, all she felt was tired apathy.

Most years, kids looked forward to All Hallows night with bubbly enthusiasm. They loved the crisp autumn air, seeing all the other neighborhood kids dressed up in costumes, and of course eating piles of candy. But like every other year, 15-year old celden, mia, lacked interest, the holiday spirit just wasn’t there.

Maybe it was the gloomy weather that had put her in a funk, or stress from school that had dampened her mood. But the inspiration for a creative costume just wasn’t striking her.

With a groan, Mia rolled over and snatched a thick catalog of costumes off her nightstand. She lazily flipped through page after page of pre-made costumes - sexy nurses, pirates, superheroes - but nothing grabbed her interest. Even the spookier costumes like vampires and witches seemed unappealingly basic and generic.

Mia tossed the catalog aside and stared up at the glow-in-the-dark plastic stars arranged on her ceiling. She wished coming up with a costume idea could be as easy as when she was little and her mom would whip up cute outfits for her to wear like a princess or bumble bee.

As she reminisced about Halloweens past, Mia's gaze drifted over the tack board above her desk crowded with photos of her friends. A small smile curved her lips as she thought about her close-knit friend group she loved like sisters. There was Selena, the stylish fashionista who was never seen without perfectly applied makeup. Spunky Nina was the artsy, eccentric one who dyed the tips of her hair a different neon color every month. And sweet-natured Tina was the shy animal lover of the group who volunteered at the local shelter.

Mia cherished the bonds she shared with the three girls. Even when life got stressful, she could always count on them to cheer her up with laughter over late night junk food and movie binges.

Her reminiscing was interrupted by a knock at the bedroom door.

"Come in!" Mia called, sitting up on the bed.

The door opened and Nina bounded in, eyes sparkling with excitement. Her violet-tipped hair was swept up in two buns that made her look like an anime character.

"Happy almost Halloween!" Nina sang. "I've already decided my costume for this year and started putting it together. Want to see?"

Before Mia could respond, Nina spun in a circle to show off the knee-length pleated skirt and matching vest over a button-down shirt she was wearing. The outfit was accessorized with knee socks, shiny Mary Janes, and gold-rimmed glasses.

Mia chuckled. "Let me guess, a school girl?"

"Not just any school girl - a zombie school girl!" Nina said. She hunched her shoulders and contorted her face into an exaggerated zombie grimace, eliciting a laugh from Mia.

"I'm going to mess up my hair and do some creepy makeup to make it look more undead," Nina continued. She flopped down on the bed beside Mia. "So what are you thinking of being for Halloween this year?"

Mia shrugged. "I have no idea. Nothing is really inspiring me." She gestured to the costume catalog. "I'll probably just throw something basic together at the last minute like always."

"Oh come on, Halloween only comes once a year, you have to do something fun!" Nina said. She snatched up the catalog and eagerly flipped through it. "Oooh, you could pull off a really pretty fairy costume. Or be a cute but creepy doll, I bet Tina could help make your makeup look porcelain and cracked. Or oh! What about a vampire, we could really make it gory and badass."

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