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The crisp autumn breeze carried the hushed whispers of two students lingering near the edge of the campus. Their gazes were fixated on the housing unit erected to accommodate a new addition to the student body – the towering, statuesque figure of Mia, a giantess hailing from a world beyond their wildest imagination.

"Dude, this whole thing is just getting weirder by the day," muttered one of the students, a lanky young man with a mop of unruly brown hair that seemed to defy gravity. He tugged anxiously at the frayed hem of his well-worn t-shirt, his eyes narrowing as they eyed the imposing structure that served as Mia's lodgings.

His companion, a petite girl with vibrant purple streaks woven through her raven locks, nodded slowly in agreement. "I know, right? I would have expected at least someone to have been, you know..." She trailed off, grimacing slightly as she made a slicing motion across her throat.

The young man's brows knitted together in contemplation. "Yeah, it's strange. She hasn't come out since the first day when she kind of just first came out of that portal”

An uneasy silence settled between them as they pondered the implications of Mia's prolonged absence from the public eye. Suddenly, the purple-haired girl straightened, her gaze sharpening as a thought occurred to her. "You don't think she's, like, keeping people in there, do you?"

Her friend arched an incredulous eyebrow. "What, you mean like prisoners or something?"

"I don't know, maybe she has some students in there that she's having fun with or something." She shuddered involuntarily, her imagination conjuring all manner of unsettling scenarios.

The young man's expression morphed into one of dawning realization. "Wait, isn't Matthew always going in and out of that place? Maybe he might know something."

"Or maybe he helps her get victims!" the girl exclaimed, her eyes widening comically.

Her companion immediately shook his head, dismissing the notion. "Nah, Matthew's to weak to kidnap anyone. He wouldn't do anything like that."

"Well, we should still ask him," she insisted, craning her neck as she scanned the bustling campus grounds.

School finally closed for the day and It didn't take long for her vigilant gaze to zero in on the familiar figure of Matthew striding purposefully across the courtyard, his backpack slung casually over one shoulder. "There he is! Hey Matthew, wait up!" she called out, waving animatedly to catch his attention.

Matthew paused mid-stride, his brow furrowing quizzically as he turned to face the pair beckoning him over. “Uhmm, do I know you guys?" he asked, clutching the strap of his backpack with one hand.

The lanky young man jerked his finger in the direction of Mia's home. "Are you going to see Mia again?"

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Matthew's lips. "Yeah, I was just headed that way actually. You want to come?"

The purple-haired girl exchanged a fleeting glance with her companion before replying, "No, we just want to ask you something."

Matthew's expression remained neutral, betraying none of the wariness that flickered through his mind at her cryptic words. "Okay, what is it?" he prompted, failing to conceal the faint note of impatience in his tone. After all, Mia would undoubtedly be waiting for him.

The lanky student stepped forward, his features hardening with solemnity. "Please answer honestly."

Matthew quirked an inquisitive eyebrow but offered a nod of acquiescence. "Okay, sure. Hurry up though, she'll be waiting for me."

The two students exchanged another weighted look, a silent conversation passing between them. Finally, the purple-haired girl mustered her resolve and spoke up. "Is Mia harboring anyone else inside her dorm?"

Giantess exchange student Where stories live. Discover now