getting along

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The first rays of the morning sun tiptoed through the dusty curtains of Eric's apartment, casting a warm glow on the cluttered room, he lived a few yards away from Mathews dorm. Eric's unruly hair that seemed to defy the laws of gravity, sat at his desk, eyes fixed on his computer screen. In the corner of the room, a coffee mug with a slogan that read "Caffeine and I have an unbreakable bond" stood as a testament to Eric's addiction to the dark elixir.

As the sun continued its ascent, the computer screen showed a picture of a captured moment frozen in time - a wild night out with his friend Mathew, their faces contorted in laughter, surrounded by a sea of empty pizza boxes and soda cans.he wasn't going to just sit around and watch his Friend get hurt by the new exchange student

Meanwhile, across town, Mathew lay sprawled on his bed in a room that bore the unmistakable signs of a bachelor's haven. Clothes lay strewn across the floor like casualties of a laundry war, and posters of obscure bands adorned the walls. Mathew, a perpetually disheveled guy with a perpetual five o'clock shadow, was in the throes of a dreamland adventure when the intruding rays of the sun invaded his personal sanctuary.

Eric, overcome by an inexplicable urgency, decided it was the perfect time for an impromptu visit to Mathew's abode. Armed with a spare key that Mathew had naively handed over, Eric tiptoed into the room with the stealth of a ninja who had consumed one too many energy drinks.

Cue the cinematic moment as Eric's eyes fell upon Mathew, who was now awake and staring back at him with an intensity that could rival a caffeine-driven owl. The air in the room crackled with confusion and mild panic as Mathew, startled and still half in the clutches of sleep, somersaulted out of bed. A crimson blush painted his cheeks as he noticed a trail of drool escaping from the corner of his mouth - a detail that did not escape Eric's keen observation.

"What are you doing here?" Mathew blurted out, his voice a mix of confusion and mild panic as he tried to make sense of the unexpected intrusion.

Eric, undeterred by Mathew's flustered state, stood up with the confidence of a man who believed he held the secret to life's mysteries. "I'm here to ensure you're okay, my dear friend," he proclaimed, radiating a brightness that seemed to defy the early hour. His disheveled appearance and the disarray of the room, however, suggested otherwise.

Confusion clouding his gaze, Mathew fired back, "Why wouldn't I be okay? And when did you become a certified sleep monitor, watching me like some nocturnal guardian angel?"

"I arrived not long ago, and I certainly didn't witness any nose bubble-related incidents," Eric chuckled, enjoying the absurdity of the moment. He gestured towards the remnants of Mathew's dreamscape, clearly oblivious to the fact that he might have disrupted an epic battle between Mathew and imaginary dragons.

"If you breathe a word about that, I'll kill you and dump your body over a bridge," Mathew threatened, accompanied by a half-hearted attempt at a menacing expression that only served to amuse Eric further.

Eric, undeterred by Mathew's threats, flexed his biceps with a flourish, exuding confidence. "Good luck trying, not with these pythons by my side."

"That's what she said," Mathew quipped, a sly grin playing on his lips as he dropped a well-timed retort, leaving Eric momentarily befuddled.

"Hmmmm," Eric mused, a playful glint in his eye. The banter continued, with Mathew probing, "But seriously, why were you watching me sleep, you creep?"

"I wasn't watching you sleep. I just got here," Eric insisted, his smile unwavering. The exchange of words resembled a comedic dance, with each participant trying to outwit the other in this early morning verbal joust.

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