Chapter 2: Mathias Wolfe

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Dis 1 is 4 my friend Sidney

The trio linked arms and walked out into the parking lot. "Oh that's my dad. See you later at the party" Wren bid them goodbye before scurrying off the red Ford infront of the school. Now it was just him and Aurelia. The two lived quite close so they usually walked together. "Hey, faggot. Where you going, your boyfriend's house? Oh wait, you don't have one because not even the other faggots want you" he heard from across the parking lot followed by an erruption of laughs. "Shut up, Lio" Aurelia shouted as her fists began to clench.

"What? Feeling sorry for him? Y'know you used to be fun. Wait til dad hears you're friends with a gay person" he replied to his sister. Beckham grabbed a hold of her hand "L-let's just go". Aurelia, whose fist were now turning white from how hard she was clenching them, turned to him "No. I'm done" Before she could do anything, he caught hold of her backpack and dragged her away. "What'd you do that for?!"

"If you were grounded for fighting your brother, you'd cant go to the party with me" A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "You're right" she shook her head. "Well, see you later, then?". He nodded and the went their seperate ways. It was a quiet day. So quiet that you could hear the dry leaves scraping against the sidewalk. Rays of sunlight pierced the cotton candy clouds that drifted above him.

The music blared loudly. The party was kind of overhyped, or maybe it was because he just prefered the quiet of his room. Before he knew it, Wren grabbed him by the arm and sat him down. "Ok, i know this party is pretty lame and everything, but there's someone i want you to meet". Beckham internally groaned. He hated meeting people but it seemed important so he was willing to do it.
He began to play with a loose string on his shirt. A few minutes go by and the door bursts open and Wren strolls in with a boy behind them. From what he can see, he's quite tall.

"Beck, i want you to meet Mathias, my boyfriend" They gestured to the boy who was now standing to their right. Mathias extended his hand and Beckham took it briefly. As he did this he felt the butterflies erupt in his stomach. He looked up. Chocolate brown eyes met with foggy blue ones that were partially covered by his scruffy raven hair. "Ooh and he's good at math. Maybe he can tutor you" Wren suggested.

Yall give Sidney a clap she was struggling to work this app

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