Chapter 4: I Suddenly Love Math

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I was bored so imma write some more

       Beckham sat in his seat at the back of the classroom with a book infront of him as he pretended to read. It wasn't hard to fake being productive when you were a good student. He just couldn't stop thinking about Mathias and he hated himself for it. The truth was, Beckham and Mathias was never going to happen. He was his best friend's boyfriend and most likely straight. Beckham was just going to have to get over him, though it would be hard because he'd have to see him all the time.

      At lunch, he sat with Aurelia, Wren and Mathias. The two were wrapped up in each other's arms, blushing and smiling at each other. "So" Beckham swallowed a piece of his sandwich. "What'd you guys think about the party?" Wren who was tracing Mathias' sharp jawline with her thumb finally looked over at him. "Oh it was good i guess" they went back to cuddling with their boyfriend. "It was lame" Lia said with her mouth still full of food. "Actually I'd disagree" Mathias said. "I'll see you guys later. I'm going to meet my friends" He placed a kiss on his lover's forehead.

      Aurelia pretended to vomit, making him have to supress a laugh. " 'I'd like to disagree' " Aurelia mocked him. Beckham's gaze followed the raven haired boy all the way to Aurelio and his friends. He wondered if he knew he was transgender. His father definately wouldn't approve. "He only enjoyed it because he was off smoking with his friends" Aurelia said quietly enough so only Beckham could hear. "Rich boy. He loves flexing all his money. Well i'll be flexing my working lungs in a couple of years"


       Beckham glanced at the adress on his phone. Yep, this was the house. A gorgeous mansion sat on a lawn of emerald green. To the right was a big lake and to the other side was the Wolfe family's collection of expensive cars. Letting out a deep breathe, Beckham made his was to the front door and rang the doorbell. Almost immediately, the door was swung open by a tall man who looked to be around 40. He had slicked back black hair with a few greying streaks. He wore a white button up shirt that was tucked into his pants and a black tie.

      "Hello. You must be Beckham" he extended his arm. "That would be me. You must be Mr. Wolfe" he shook his hand. "Please, call me Edward" he gave him a smile. "Mathias is waiting for you. He's upstairs in the second room to your left" Edward moved out of the way so that he could make his way inside. The house looked even bigger from the inside. He made his way up the stairs and to the second room. He twisted the doorknob. "Hey Mathias" he greeted him nervously.

     "Hey. Shall i get you something to drink before we start?" The blue eyed boy offered. "No thanks" he shook his head. Mathias patted the empty space on the bed next to him. "Have a seat".  Beckham pulled out his book and flipped to the topic that was hardest for him. The two worked on it, with some trial and error, but eventually he got it. A gust of breeze came through the large open window and blew the pages of the book. The both boys reached to find where they left off. Their hands brushed against one another. Beckham quickly pulled away his hand and bit the inside of his cheek to keep him from blushing.


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