Chapter 5: I'm not gay!

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Aurelia's POV:
       I lay in bed, my headphones in my ears, blasting This is What Falling in Love Feels Like by JVKE. I had to be careful, though. I was only allowed to listen music about Jesus Christ. Now don't get me wrong, I love God, but i just don't listen to worship all the time. "Aurelia, get ready! Your aunts and uncles are coming to visit" she barely heard through the blaring music. She unplugged the headphones and began to change out of her brother's clothes that she stole. Her family was extremely conservative. They believed in gender roles and heterosexual marriage.

      She quickly threw on a dress her aunt had given her the last time she'd visited that she never wore. She brushed out her black wavy hair so she could look more presentable and made her way downstairs. "Aw, look at you" Mrs. Rosario clasped her hands to her chest. "You look so beautiful. I don't know why you don't dress like this more often." Aurelia didn't respond and just took a seat next to her brother. Soon her aunts, uncles and cousins filed inside. "Aurelia, come say hello to your Aunt Ruth" Mr. Rosario called. She made her walk as ladylike as possible and made her way to her father and aunt. "Hello Aunt Ruth" she greeted.

     "Aurelia! It's been so long since i saw you. How have you been? I see you're wearing that dress i gave to you." The ravenette smiled "Yes, i wear it quite a lot, it's just so beautiful." "Why dont you go sit with your brother now. Your mother is bringing out the food" Mr. Rosario said. She nodded in response and took a seat next to Aurelio. "You're such a liar. I've never seen you in that dress" he whispered. "I know. But say anything and I'll tell mum and dad you've been smoking" she shot him a glare. "H-how do you know about that? Fine! I won't say anything.."

     "Ruth, I heard your son has gone off to college now. Has he met anyone yet?" Her mother asked. Aunt Ruth looked over at her and smiled "No, not yet as far as I'm aware. Just as long as he doesn't bring home a boy." The famuly let out chuckles and Aurelia had to force a laugh. "If my kids were gay, I'd kick them out of the house without a second thought" Uncle Joseph bellowed. "I agree, Joseph" her father nodded. Aurelia had a pit in her stomach. "Now children, it's been a long time since you've seen each other. When you're finished why don't  you go out and get re-aquianted" Mrs. Rosario suggested.

      Soon, all the cousins were outsode in the garden. It was kinda awkward at first. "Aurelia, your brother told me you're friends with a gay person" her cousin Moses smirked. "Not only that, but a non binary girl too" Aurelio chimed in. "If they're non-binary, then they're not a girl, idiot" she snarled at her brother. "She is though, it's basic biology" Mary said. "Why are you defending them? Hold on a second.. Aurelia, are you gay?" He laughed. Her ocean blue eyes widened in fear "No! Of course I'm not." Abraham raised his eyebrows "I don't know about that. Ever since we were little, you always seemed a little.. off." "I'm not gay! I-i swear" she was getting worried now. "If you say so" Genesis said as they all got up to leave. "I-I'm not gay.." she muttered to herself.

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