Chapter 3: Leviticus 18:22

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       Beckham's POV:

       I quietly creaked the front door open and slid inside. I was immediately hit with the stench of alcohol and empty beer bottles littered the room. Deafening snores came from the sleeping Mr. Ellis who was laying down on his huge belly on the worn out sofa. I let out a sigh and began to make my way to my room. I threw myself onto the bed. How could I do this to my own best friend? Perhaps it isn't my fault. I can't control it.. No! I'm a backstabber. I fell in love with my best friend's boyfriend. I didn't want to do this.. but it's the only way out. The only way i can find just a small amount of comfort.
         I sighed, opening by drawer and digging deep inside for the razor blade i had buried deep under my clothes. I shut my eyes tightly as i placed it to my skin. Crimson red liquid now spilled out of the wound on my wrist. I cleaned and bandaged my cut before putting it under my neatly folded shirts.

Aurelia's POV:
       I slid open my bedroom window, expecting to see my bedroom empty and with everything exactly as I left it.
Instead I found my father, his arms crossed across his chest, waiting. "Mind telling me where you've been?" He said sternly. "I just went to um s-see my friend" I replied hastily. He tapped his foot impaitently. "You know I can tell when you're lying." He was getting more impaitent by the second. "Okay, okay. I went to a party. I'm sorry for lying but I didn't drink or anything, i just went" i hung my head low.
      "Apologize to God, not me. And that's not all. Your brother told me you've been befriending homosexuals? Have you leart nothing? What if they spread their disgusting gay demons to you, then what? Now remind me about Leviticus 18:22" he began shouting. " 'Man shall not lay with boy as with a woman.." i felt the tears forming in my eyes. "Exactly. I trust you'll stop this madness and repent?" He opened the door to leave. "Yes sir" i said quietly but loud enough for him to hear.
      As soon as he left, I fell down on my knees and tears began rolling down my cheeks. 'Why? Why me? I did tried so hard to make my life as pleasing as it can to You. Why would You do this to me?' I cried.

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