Chapter 10: Beau's Coffee

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      Beckham stood infront of the mirror, fixing his slicked back blonde hair. His dad stood looking at him in the doorway. "Hey champ. Ready to go?" He smiled. "Yeah. I'm a bit nervous though" he said. Julian walked over to his son "It's alright. They're lovely people". The two Ellis's made their way to the bluish-grey jeep in the driveway. He buckled his seat. Soon, they were driving on a quiet street. There were many buildings; Oakwood apartments, Beau's Coffee, El Ghazi Flowers, New Fashion and much more. The car came to a halt and the two walked in. Beckham watched as his dad's eyes scan the room before it fell on two girls in a corner booth.

     He motioned for his son to follow him. The older woman's eyes lit up as she saw him "Julian, you're here". "Sorry for the wait" he kissed her hand. Beckham looked over at the girl and the smiled awkwardly. They all sat down and ordered some coffee. "Beckham this is Christina" he pointed to the older woman and then the girl "and this is Ariella". He greeted them both. After a while, they all engaged in some small talk and seemed to be getting along nicely.

Aurelia's POV:
      I need something to distract me from all this. Maybe a job? Yeah, that could be good, I would get the money too. I pulled up my laptop and began looking for places that were hiring in the area. Beau's Coffee. That could be good.

He's My Idea of an AngelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang