Chapter 11: We Fell In Love In October

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Sorry for the crappy last chapter, I was being lazy.

Aurelia's POV:

    It's my first day on the job. The air is filled with the scent of coffee and fresh autumn leaves. Fall was apparently the most busy time of year for Beau's Coffee Shop. I lean on the counter, waiting on the next customer. I can see someone approaching at the corner of my eye. I straighten out my apron and turn to them "Hi, welcome to Beau's Coffee Shop, what can I get for-" my throat immediately goes dry. Standing infront of me was the most gorgeous girl i had ever seen.
     She looked like she teaches the stars to shine, and she was the sun itself. Her hazel eyes looked like a vast cosmos, and shone like the pale moon on a foggy night. "Uhm, I'm not too sure, do you have any recommendations?" She says, making me snap back into reality. I thought for a little while "The caramel cappuccino is one of my favorites" i reply. "That sounds kind if sweet"
        "A sweet drink for a sweet girl" I wink. Her cheeks turn pink. "Can i have a name for that order?" I ask. "Yes, Eueri". Eueri, that's a nice name. I quickly get to making her drink. My hand briefly brushes against hers as I hand it to her. I bit the inside of my cheek to conceal a blush. She reaches for her wallet. "There's no need. It's on me" i smile. "A-are you sure. It's fine, I can pay for it" she searches her pockets. "It's ok, love"

Ariella's POV:

     Its about 7 at night. I sit on my bed in my brand new room in our brand new house. I was starting high school in a few days. "Ari, can you take out the garbage? I forgot to" mom calls from downstairs. "Ok" i groan, tossing my phone on the mattress. I reach downstairs and hold my breath as to not smell the nasty odour of the garbage. I drag it outside and put it down with a thump. Turning around, i twist the doorknob to go inside. Suddenly, something hits the back of my head.  A basketball. Who the hell plays basketball at this hour? "Sorry" i hear a voice coming from the other side of the fence. It was a tall, fair skinned boy with platinum blonde hair. His eyes were a blueish-green. "I-it's ok" i respond. "I'm Cayson..junior. But you can call me CJ" he extends his hand. "I'm Ariella, but most people call me Ari" i say, shaking his hand. "Well it was nice meeting you Ari" he smiles. "You too"

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