Chapter 8: Quality Time

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       Beckham's POV:
       Beckham slid on his shoes to go to summer camp again. Words could not explain how much he dreaded that place. It was literally like regular school, only it was during the time he should have been relaxing at home. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and was about to leave before a knock come at his bedroom door. "Beckham, look I'm sorry about yesterday..How about you skip summer camp today and we can go to that ice cream place you used to like instead?" His dad called. He was both confused and excited. His father was barely ever sober, and he hadn't spent time with him since he was 7.

     "Yeah..yeah that'd be great" he tossed his backpack off his back and rushed down to meet his dad. It was the first time in 8 years he had seen his father wearing clothes that weren't beer-stained. "C'mon then" the two slid out. They drove through the familiar suburbs and into a small part of town. There was a small brick building with a sign that hung over it that said 'Frosty's Ice Cream'. He hadn't been to this place since he was little... "Dad, can i have-" his Mr. Ellis cut him off "Two scoops of vanilla with rainbow sprinkles? Don't worry son, i remember" he smiled softly. Tears threatened to fall from the blonde's eyes because of how happy he was at this moment.

     Eight years. Eight years he had thought his father had stopped caring about him, only caring about alcohol. It had been eight years since his father smiled at him. Once they got their ice cream, they sat on the table in the corner of the shop. "We used to come here all the time, before.." his dad's voice trailed off. He could see the sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry, son. I'm a horrible father. It's hasn't been easy since your mum left. Every night, in the silence of my room, i stare at the blank ceiling. I fear.. that in her absence...i have failed her. I have failed you both" he whispered.

     "Dad..don't say that. You didn't fail her, or me for that matter" Beckham looked at his father. "You're a wonderful boy, Becks, and I'm so so proud of you. I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner. You're just like her, your mother. When I look at her, I see her in you..." It hadn't been easy since Mrs. Ellis died. Beckham was only 7 years old. She was expecting his little sibling and there was complications with the pregnancy, both the baby and mother passed away. It was hard raising a child without his wife. There was not enough money and he couldn't even sleep at night without the love of his life. So, he completely let himself go. He became addicted to the alcohol and so little Beckham was forced to know how to take care of himself from an early age. It hurt a lot, but Beckham was just happy to have his dad back.

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