Chapter 6: Small Spaces

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      Beckham's POV:
      I sat on the bed with Mathias. "U-um sorry" i looked down. "I-it's fine" he replied, closing the book shut.  He got up "I think we're done here." I shoved my things in my bag. "Hey, it's kind of late. Why don't you stay the night? You can stay in the guest room" He smiled. My heart began to race. "Yeah. I-i'd like that" I was internally screaming in excitement. I was going to spend the night at Mathias' house. He opened the door "Follow me." Beckham smiled and skipped behind him.

     He lead him to a room. There was a king sized bed in the middle with a huge closet and nightstand next to it. He looked around the room in awe. It was much bigger than his small cramped bedroom. "I'll have some clothes brought up to you. When you're ready, you can come down to the living room and we can watch horror movies" Mathias said before backing out of the room. As he left, Beckham blushed intensly. Not only was he staying at Mathias Wolfe's house, but they were going to watch movies together too. Could this day get any better? Soon, some pajamas were sent up to his room.

     He slid into the shower. He closed his eyes and felt the hot water on his skin. It felt so much better than the icy cold water back at his house. He slid on his clothes and met with Mathias in the living room. "What'd you wanna watch. I've got The Conjuring, Fear Street, The Nun.." he began listing out. "Fear Street sounds good" he said. "Great. There's some snacks in the pantry. You can go ahead and pick out which ones you like" the raven haired boy tookna seat on the couch as the blonde headed to the kitchen. The kitchen was magnificent. The counters were made of marble and it looked very modern.

      He opened the pantry door. It was filled to the brim with snacks and food. As he was looking at the snacks, he heard the door swing close behind him. His heart began beating faster as memories flooded back to him.

   ~ "No! Please please. Don't leave me here" the 10 year old Beckham screamed as he heard the click of the lock on the closet door. "Now you sit there and think about your actions!" His fathers gruff voice came from the other side of the door. He sniffled and cried as he banged his fists against the door.~

     He snapped back into reality as he heard tthe pantry door open. "Hey are you okay? You were taking pretty long.." Mathias asked concerned. "Y-yeah. It's just um.. small spaces" the brown eyed boy wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. "You don't need to explain. C'mon" he took his hand. Beckham felt his pupils dilate. Mathias was holding his hand!

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