Sheet 2. Bank robbery.

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What does a person do when he is completely alone in the city? He takes care of his world, restores it, and when this is not required, then what is left to do? That's right, rob banks!

When in the morning I spent my conversation on the roof of the hotel where I live, I suddenly thought:

"Should I rob a bank?"

What's the big deal? It's not even a robbery, is it? When one takes something away from another and at the same time threatens this robbery, which is called a crime. And the latter, as you know, should be followed by punishment. In my case, it's a fun pastime, not otherwise. There's no one. I'm the only one. Well, as one... Me and my gang of four white mannequins, on whose heads I carefully put on large multicolored hats, in which I cut out slits for the mouth and eyes. Even though their heads are smooth without sensory organs, I cut them out anyway. I don't think they need it, oxygen is clearly the last thing for them. And they don't freeze. They are obviously not used to hats on their heads, but for the idea - the very thing! And they look more like people...

Now we are driving slowly in a black Lincoln along a clean white street. By the way, all the houses and buildings outside, like roads and sidewalks in my world, have a delicate pearl color, like everything is sterile. So, me and my gang of heavily armed thugs are next to me. One is sitting in front, next to me, with a hat the color of ripe wheat on his head and three others behind: on the second – a scarlet hat, the third - a pitch–black one and on the fourth - a snow-white one. We are the rescue team of this world – the «SOS» team.

The mannequins standing along the street don't even suspect us of something. Don't move after all. By the way, I found the mannequins already and I don't remember when. I was looking for people and came across a basement, and there's a whole army of them there. They stood so still – they were waiting for me right. So I "breathed" life into them. I put it around the city and all sorts of places where I like to visit myself. I even came up with names for many, stories are different. My gang, with whom I will rob the bank, has no proper names. Not yet. They are just special and now is not the time to give them names. Right now we're just "SOckS". Why "SOckS" if we are "SOS"? So after all, we are going to a dirty business. Ah, you got the joke, right? If anything, I'm not proud of her, but it's fun. You just give the names of hundreds of other dummies, invent stories for them, then somehow you start simplifying everything. For example, if the mannequin is female, then it is Monica, and if male, then Ken. It's easier that way.

Back to the robbery, I just parked the Lincoln around the corner of the bank. The plan is quite simple. We go in, we make a warning shot at the ceiling. Everyone lies down on the floor, and the beautiful, red-rimmed glasses, outraged by what is happening, the manager, opens a safe hidden behind bars, somewhere in the depths of the building. A big safe, with a huge, round, iron door and a lot of levers on it. Classic. All the stories about the robbery are like this. Probably...

- For the "SOckS" case!

15 minutes later.

- Listen, tarry, you've become kind of heavy.

So, we are inside the bank. I had to run back and forth a couple of times to bring my gang. They can't walk by themselves. There's nothing you can do about it, so I have to do all the work for them alone. Put everything in its place. I think we're ready now. Let's start with a phrase from the list of "Phrases that I must say during a robbery", which I compiled myself, namely from number 1:

- Attention! This is a robbery, everybody down!

*Psy-psy (the sound of gunshots)

Oh, yes... I completely forgot to clarify... "Heavily armed thugs"... Is that what I said? Of the weapons we have only water pistols. Somehow I didn't dare to take real guns. And they are heavy! Dragging them for each of the "SOckS" gang would be quite a hassle. What if the gang would have quarreled over the gold, starting a shooting? What then? No. Safety is above all, they even rode in the car wearing seat belts. Maybe we don't cause fierce terror and fear, but we take care of each other – this is our credo. I'm talking about them, and they're talking about my fantasies. Therefore, light and safe water pistols. And if you take the one that Ken has with a snow-white hat hanging behind his back, you can even knock him down with it. The pressure he has is what it takes for this. In extreme cases, you can throw it. The effect will be the same. So, what's next on the plan? Yeah. Further penetration into the vault.

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