And the end will only be a continuation of our path. The beginning of the end.

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Snow-white space.

A young man was lying on the floor of a snow-white space resembling a blank sheet. This young man was not tall, had pitch-black, curly-wavy hair, mirror-black eyes and a small mole under his lower left lip. His eyes stared into the immeasurable height of pure and snow-white space, while tears flowed down his temples.

- Is it over?

Came from his lips.

- Not really.

A smooth voice sounded.

The young man jumped to his feet and turned around.

Just a couple of steps away from him stood a tall young man in a tailcoat. His hair was divided into two equal halves: on the left - black, and on the right - white. Two curls, like the wings of a bird, touched the man's chin, over which a gentle smile shone, and his lips were locked.

- This voice...

It burst out of the young man, who immediately wanted to run away, but froze in place, unable to move.

- That's the one.

The man in the tailcoat said, continuing to smile, keeping his eyelids closed.

- Y-you're... You're dead!

The young man stammered, and immediately his body twisted with pain. He collapsed to his knees, resting his hands on the floor. His body was covered with perspiration, and his eyes widened in horror as black fingers popped out of his mouth.

- {I thought we wouldn't meet again, Mr. Caretaker}.

A sarcastic tone escaped from inside the young man, which led him to even greater horror.

Unable to move, unable to close his mouth, the young man watched as a black creature crawled out of him, which somehow increased in size in an unimaginable way.

- Please be careful, Soul Eater.

The man in the tailcoat said calmly, without opening his eyes and not hiding his smile.

- Don't worry, damaging such a wonderful vessel is not part of my plans.

Said the black creature, half out of the mouth of the trembling youth.

- That's nice.

The black-and-white-haired man said with a smile.

- So...

Said the black creature, getting to his feet, with his back to the young man.

- Here we meet again, my old friend.

The black creature said with a smile.

- Would you like to hug me, you pathetic liar?

It opened its long, black arms and stretched a smile of black teeth.

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