Sheet 3. "Hell's kitchen".

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- Hello, Gordon! Well, how is it? Are you scolding your subordinates again? Who overcooked the scallops this time? Ken? Or maybe... Come on, no! Don't tell me... Is it really Monica?! First of all, this is news... You'll go crazy from such news.

Meet this mannequin's name is Gordon. This is his place. "Hell's Kitchen" is called. "Infernal" because Gordon drills all his wards here, and masterfully, with enthusiasm. Always dissatisfied with something: they overexposed it for a couple of seconds, they didn't finish it there. They are lucky that I come to them. He then becomes quiet. He doesn't say a word. I don't think he's afraid. Probably just taking a break from work. When else is he going to invent these sophisticated swear words of his? He's not really evil, he's just a very responsible approach to work. And she cooks every dish as if she puts her life on the line. So he demands the same from his employees.

I like to cook in silence. Thoughts somehow come to order themselves. Yes, and I calm down. It's the most after a failed robbery. Gordon always has food, and the freshest. Where does it come from? I don't know myself... In this regard, my world is wonderfully arranged. The food is always at Gordon's, and if I go to the bookstore, a book or manga will appear. It's the same with clothes or a movie theater. It's strange somehow, it's not like in the same movies and books, but I'm always grateful for it and I always know for sure "right now" - now something new has appeared in that place. Why is that?.. It's like I'm a small part of some big "organism" that lives independently of me and takes care of me so much. It's wonderful, no other way.

- That's it, I hear them. A whole orchestra of products.

Gordon, you decided to please me, no other way. Thank you, friend. Let's go to the warehouse.

- Wow!

So, what we end up with: - olives, cheese, tomato sauce, seasonings, flour. And also: - pickled gherkins, purple onions (what a joy!), crab sticks, corn, mayonnaise and eggs. Great! What the doctor ordered. We will prepare a salad to calm down and pizza for no reason! You need to knead the dough. While it will rise, I will finely chop the "crab". I wonder why the "crab sticks", (judging by the composition of the crab, did not even run past), are called like this? Maybe someone suddenly dreamed that crabs play on shell drums like this? And they also have a whole rock band there: a turtle - soloist, a moray eel - keyboard player and two fish on lead guitars. They also need a bass guitar, I wonder if they'll take me to shake the seabed? Only from the presentation of the casting in such a group will you laugh, and the performances will rock. Haha. Something got me carried away. That's someone's fantasy...

So, the dough rises, and the salad is ready. I'll put it in the fridge. Let it stand for a couple of hours. The products need to get used to each other. As they wrote in one of the cookery books – "to kiss." For that matter, who am I to spoil their romantic atmosphere? Let them kiss until tomorrow. Tomorrow will definitely taste better.

- Hmm...

So strange... Why not lie down together, namely to kiss? What's so special about a kiss? Right now, when my fingers touch my lips, is it a kiss? No... Still not a kiss...

In one of the books I read that there are different languages of love. There are a total of five of them. And in them, or rather through them, they (people) express their love. But sometimes it happens that people speak different languages of love, and that's why they don't understand each other. Let's go through the list: - acts of service, words of support, receiving gifts, quality time and last but not least - physical touches*. If you think about it, then my world, or rather the One Who manages it, cares a lot about me. And I am very grateful to Him for that. Acts of service? He serves me and because of that, I exist. Words of support? Periodically, when I feel unbearably hurt and sad, He turns on the music that pours from all the radios placed all over the city, and this cheers me up. Receiving gifts? Food is the best gift. Quality time? I have plenty of it. But with physical touches, which cause me the strongest delight ... Yes, this is my main language of love... There is a huge disadvantage with this. I would even say I'm leaving in the negative. Even with the proximity of Monika, this disadvantage is felt even more acutely. I have a whole harem of them for this "business", but... they don't kiss me themselves. Only I "play" with them is like playing solo, with their tacit, unconfirmed consent to it...

And how do I know that a kiss and a touch are so necessary for me? The fact that when the icy desert of cold loneliness takes me into its bosom, forcing me to embrace myself in an impotent attempt to warm up in the fetal position, pressed against the wall and surrounded by mannequins, is it proof of that? ..

Rather yes than no.

And yet. Why after the products are "kissed", they become many times tastier? What's going on with them? What kind of sacrament? Love? What is it really? I do not understand...

- Oh... the dough has risen. What a lush.

Let's dismiss unnecessary thoughts and get down to business. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Sprinkle the baking sheet with flour – a little. The main thing is that the dough does not stick. And roll out the dough on it. With light and quick movements of the fingertips, make small notches along the entire plane of the dough. Leave the edges a little lush so that when everything is ready, everything looks beautiful. Tomato sauce. Lush edges are also slightly lubricated. Finely chopped onion, it will be nice to crunch later. Olives... I hear someone else! I'm running away now!

*Top-top-top-top-top (ran away)

*Top-top-top-top-top (came back)

Holopeno! I really like spicy. Finely chop it quite a bit, otherwise the whole taste will be interrupted and we will not feel it. Now the seasoning of herbs (Italian). Here, too, the main thing is not to sprinkle too much. Done. All in the oven. It will turn out delicious. I would also like to add tomatoes. Experiments are our everything! Not a day without them.

* Uh... (swallowed)

Mmm... the aroma of holopeno... After 15 minutes I'll get it, sprinkle with grated cheese and for another 3 minutes. I'll get it back, and I'll enjoy life. What else does a hungry person need? Satisfy your hunger and that's it.

* O-oah... (yawn)

I suddenly felt sleepy...

*Boom! (slap of palms on the face)

You can't-you can't sleep now. Otherwise, the order will turn upside down. First you eat, then you sleep. But not the other way around! I'll check the pizza. I'll use a knife and I'll understand from the bottom of the crust whether it's worth pouring cheese or it's too early. If it's still soft, it's a little early, but if the crust is about to form - that's it!

– I congratulate you* (portrays a doctor who has just given birth), you have "that's it"!

Well, a couple of minutes passed and the cheese, grated, melted and spread all over. We take it out and cut it. Mmm, how does it smell... My eyes are completely stuck together. I'll lie down for a while, right here at the table. I'll stretch out my right arm, and bend my left arm and put my face on the palm of my hand. Let the pizza cool down a little...

- Tu-ru-tu-tu-doo-doo...

Hmm? Weird... Gordon, I don't remember teaching you how to hum that tune... She makes me want to sleep more. Gordon, stop...

- ...Tu-ru-tu-tu-Ru...

*Guts (the sound of refrigerator doors opening)

Gordon, early... We need to wait a little longer... Just a little... wait... Let them kiss... Don't spoil the mystery of magic for them... Don't you dare... everything... I can't resist anymore... I'm falling asleep...

Notable author's notes (NAN):

*Gary Chapman – "Five Languages of Love".

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