Sheet 4. The reason for anger.

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Here I am, now, shaking poor Gordon with all my might, trying to get out of him how he managed to eat a whole container of salad, and even pizza to boot, and I don't understand anything. When I suddenly switched off (there's no other way to say it), I heard someone's voice. Then I thought: I'm imagining everything, everything was so vague. But now, when I came to myself, I saw that all the food was gone. Whole. Without remainder.


There has never been such a thing that I shouted at someone like that, holding their breasts, even playfully. Gordon couldn't do it. The head is oval - without a mouth, and why should he? He always has food anyway. Then it was someone else... Maybe one of the mannequins suddenly came to life and came across this place from hunger by the smell and cleaned it out? I can't believe it. I just can't. It can't be... Rather, some kind of stranger, someone not from this world made his way to me. Then where did he go now? Why didn't you touch me? And why, as soon as he appeared, did I suddenly fall asleep? When did he appear... Wait a minute... Precisely! Someone hummed the same tune that I was in the bank...

* Uh... (swallowed)

Was someone following me? Something threw me into a sweat... Fear? Yes, he is the one... the reason why I am shouting and shaking Gordon so angrily, the reason for my anger that has been released is fear. But who wouldn't feel it in my place? For many years I have been all alone and then suddenly I find out that there is someone next to me. And so close that I can hear him... Vibration?!

- What?..

Behind my back... yes... behind my back, something is quietly vibrating, like the engine of a luxury car engine. Radios? No. They are silent. Definitely for sure, something is behind my back right now... And that "something" is staring me right in the back of the head. I feel the waves spreading on the back of my head from this look...

* Uh... (swallowed)

You need to turn around... and not swallow, so loudly! The sound is like a hammer on an anvil. Or is it my heart beating so hard? Yes. Exactly it. It turns my ears inside out...

*BOO-BOOM... BOO-BOOM... BOO-BOOM... (loud heartbeat sound with echo)

We need to turn around. If anything, I'll cover myself with Gordon... yes, I will. I'm sorry, Gordon.... Sorry, friend...

- My name is Hidden... I will slowly turn to you... I don't have a gun...

*"Gordon doesn't count..." (added mentally)

The feeling that the heart is like a bird rushing to freedom, will break the bars of the chest with its strength and fly away from me. I wonder why this place is called a "cage"? Found time to think! Your life is at stake here! I didn't think that the power of my imagination would go against me, it seems that there is something behind my back that goes beyond the boundaries of understanding. Something that was before the creation of my world. Something that, with just one glance, is capable of pulverizing me, destroying me, uprooting me from the very book of life. What kind of strange thoughts am I having? The fantasy got out of control. Or maybe it's not a fantasy at all?.. How scary. I can barely move... I hear deafening drops of sweat breaking on the floor. A little more and I will meet this creature behind me with my eyes.

- You...

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