Sheet 5. The heart of a marathon runner would not have coped with this.

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Do you know the feeling as if a bullet train has rushed by a millimeter from your face? This has never happened to me, but I think that's what happened to me just now, when I turned around and saw a completely white, shorthair cat in front of me.

- You...

Where did a live cat come from in my world?! I've never even seen insects here... And then there's a whole cat at once. Sitting on the kitchen furniture at the level of my eyes...

So. Breathe, Hidden. We need to calm down. Take a breath and think soberly... Well, yes, of course, you can reason soberly here... Let's try it anyway - the order will calm everything down. What do we know about cats? Cats are mammals, representatives of the feline family, predators. Appearance: four paws, tail, fur. Abilities: hunting, flexibility. Superpowers: purring, sleep and an extravagant charm. For some reason, I remember a series from the distant past that was in my cinema. I can't remember the name now, it was so long ago. So there, one person, for trying to take over the world, was turned into a familiar - a black cat. He was so upset about it. The scenes with him were always the funniest. He could also talk. Maybe this one can?

- You?.. Admit it... Did you eat my food?..

The cat, of course, said nothing. Yes, he seems to have fallen asleep at all. He won't open his eyes in any way. But still, he's strange... like he's smiling... Cats can't smile, right?..

- Hey, you... fierce beast... Are you asleep or something?.. Well, that's right! You ate my food, filled your belly, and now you're lying down to sleep?! Get up!

I cautiously tried to poke poor Gordon's head into it. Once again, Gordon, I'm sorry. The cat stood on four paws stretched, arching his back, and sticking out his tongue, carelessly forgetting to pull it back in. With all this, all the same, without opening your eyes. He must be mocking me. But for some reason, the smile stretched on my lips. He's so weird. I felt relieved. So this is the cat charm?

- Stop! Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait! No need!

The cat walked over Gordon's head, then his back and sat right in front of my face. He still didn't open his eyes. Is he blind or something? But to see this little face in front of his face, and even with his tongue sticking out, as if he had forgotten about it, it turned out to be something incredible. A giggle flew out of me.

- Hah...

The cat sucked in his tongue, finally noticing him, and... shook his head?.. Well no... It seemed... cats can't shake their heads in any way... This is not included in their normal abilities, as well as in the super. He began to sniff my face, moving his cheeks and tickling me with his white mustache. I restrained myself as much as I could, but I still laughed and dropped Gordon from my hands. The cat immediately jumped on my head and sat on my machine-cut black hair.

- Where did you come from on my head?

The phrase suddenly took an unexpected and precise turn. I stretched out my hands to the cat to take it off, when suddenly a wild, blood-chilling scream came from the street.


My heart started pounding like a madman again. Something has awakened. I felt it. Something very scary that poses a threat to my world. And for some reason I heard the chains clanking. Chains connecting me to this something...

The missing food will wait, and I'll deal with the cat later. And why did he not even move from such a scream? It's good to see he's settled on his head. We need to check what's going on. Am I still dreaming? Unlikely...

I cautiously approached the door and suddenly I was struck by lightning. Awakening. One by one, as if someone had suddenly twisted an air-bubble film into a tube and began to squeeze it hard.


One of these pops was especially loud and right behind me. I felt the air, frozen in place, barely sway. This time I couldn't swallow, my throat became so dry, like a Sugar exhausted by the heat of the scorching sun.

- Gordon... friend... It's you?..

My voice was shaking like a leaf in the wind. Air movement again...

- "Friend"? Do me a favor, friend... I'll see you cooking again, I'll chop you into pieces, put it in a blender, grind it and make meatballs out of you. Absorbed?

My consciousness was ready to fly away from me into near-Earth orbit. The train of my emotions, rushing at a speed of 100 m/s, crashed into a rock with all its might and shattered. The heart at that moment forgot how to beat, missing a couple of beats...

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