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 // Shogo.

Snow-white space.

- Wh... what have you done?

The young man uttered in horror, looking at the man in a tailcoat bowing in front of him.

- Brought you back to the state before you became a vessel for the Soul Eater.

The black-and-white-haired man calmly replied and straightened his back.

- What have you done...

The young man uttered in shock and fell to his knees.

- Why did you do that?..

He added absently.

- Your actions, namely the fact that you bandaged the wounds of the 1st - My King, were sufficient for me to be able to do this. To free you and return you to your former state – by purifying and erasing all your sins committed by you as a vessel of the Soul Eater. From this moment on, you start life with a clean slate. Now I will erase your memory, after which you will wake up in your world, just like a child is born – completely clean.

The man with the scarlet gloves said with a smile.

- No... no, no, no, no... What for?..

The young man shook.

- Why did you do that?!

He shouted at the top of his voice and got to his feet, clenching his fists.

- Give it back...

He said through his teeth.

- Bring him back!

He shouted again.

- He... he promised me... He promised paradise... Wealth... The glory of... women... He promised me...

Clenching his fists, feeling a deafening loss, the young man said, raising his head and widening his eyes.

- He promised me a Queen and that the 1st would serve me.

He said absently, after which the black-and-white-haired man's smile disappeared.

Between the two, located in a snow-white space, there was a dead silence.

- Give it back...

The young man said, looking with open eyes into the closed eyelids of a man in a tailcoat.

- Bring him back.

He added.

- As you wish...

The black-and-white-haired man said and snapped the fingers of his right hand.


And time has turned back...

Snow-white space.

- G-g-g-g-g-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga!

The Soul Eater burst out laughing.

- Did you decide to confront your master after all? Well... so be it... and I had such high hopes for you... What a pity you didn't justify them, you bastard...

Said the Soul Eater.

In the next instant, he turned around and rushed at the man in the tailcoat, baring his black-toothed mouth.

The young man's face tightened in horror, while the black-and-white-haired man snapped his fingers and disappeared.

The Soul Eater froze in front of the young man, looking around.

- Damn it...

He said.

- This Caretaker... He tricked me... me?! The devil of deception and betrayal?! How dare he?.. I didn't think that in this pathetic universe I would come across a professional in my field... Well... even though I didn't manage to get the sweet souls purified by him... He left you to me... It will be bitter and disgusting, but somehow I will survive...

The Soul Eater uttered and sank his black teeth into the young man's body.

- WOW!

A heart-rending cry of unimaginable pain escaped from the young man's mouth.

- What are you doing?! You promised to serve me! You promised!

Shaking with unbearable pain, the young man shouted out.

- G-g-g-g-g...

The Devourer guffawed with restraint, uncoupling his mouth from the flesh of the young man.

- To serve? You? GA-GA-GA-GA-GA!

He burst out laughing.

- An abomination like you, wanting only what others have. Envious to the core. Who has blackened the soul entrusted to him so much that the Soul Eater himself turns his nose away from her. He tells me to serve him?! You don't even cause an appetite, carrion.

The Soul Eater said with hatred and sank his teeth into the flesh of the young man again.

- Nah! Nooo! No need! Stop it!

The young man shouted and the next moment he heard a deafening snap of fingers.


Snow-white space.

- That's it.

A man in a tailcoat smiled, standing opposite the young man.

- I did as you asked. Brought back the Soul Eater. Created a temporary branch in which, after it absorbed you, it was destroyed. As a result, you experienced a sense of deja vu. You have to understand the main thing - the outcome is always the same, what matters is "how" we will come to it. Hence the punishment and the reward.

The black-and-white-haired man spoke without opening his eyes in front of the trembling youth.

- Please don't say another word. Consider that you have caught the usual flu, but your merits have saved you from the severity of the disease. Your Soul, entrusted to you, is your Queen. Please take care of her. Give her some rest and time to recover. Love her and appreciate her as if there is no greater treasure given to you, which is the truth. Realize this, and then you will see that the false paradise that the Soul Eater promised you, trying to deceive you, is just an illusion of paradise – the most ordinary mirage. And now...

A man in a tailcoat approached the young man, who was dropping bitter tears on the snow-white floor, put his hands on his shaking shoulders, and turned his back to him, while a wooden door appeared in front of them.

- You will return to your world, retaining memories of everything that happened to you, as if it were a simple, regular and very long dream. A dream that will eventually be forgotten and erased from memory, leaving behind only a feeling ... a deep and strong feeling of love for yourself and your Soul, which will help you adequately go through your entire life path. And don't worry about the Soul Eater and the likes of him meeting you again. That's not going to happen. The days of your suffering are over. There are great things ahead of you that you can handle effortlessly, while your voice will travel sonorously over the radio waves. Live the time allotted to you with due respect for yourself, your Soul and the world, because you are a part of my Master.

Holding his left palm on the young man's left shoulder, a man in a tailcoat, with a kind smile of closed eyes, put his right palm on the round door handle and opened the door to himself.

- Good luck, precious Soul.

The man in the tailcoat said and closed the door behind the young man, opening his eyes full of light.

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