Sheet 7. On the other side...

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I opened my eyes a little. They were the only thing I could move even a little, as if they were the only thing I had. Apparently, I'm lying on a single bed. To my left, I hear a strange beeping sound, knocking out the rhythm of the heartbeat.


I'll try to turn my head, but it won't listen. And the eyelids are wider than a couple of millimeters do not open. From all the efforts that I make to somehow move, I feel that I am incredibly tired. Very dimly, but I can make out the light... Light entering the room on the left. White, pure light...

To my right, someone is sitting, apparently, on a chair, very close. This someone is holding my right hand. This man's hand is very warm... I feel my lips twitch a little. I try to say something, but it doesn't come out.

I hear a voice. This person... He's saying something. His voice is so far away, as if it comes from another room. The man squeezed my hand with both hands and brought it to his face.

What a hot touch...

What a nice feeling...


A kiss?..

His voice still reaches me from afar, but now I can hear him, he has become closer.

- A great first step... Well done... See? You can see me now, can't you? Most likely, vaguely, but you still see. I'm holding your hand... You're not alone... I'm with you... Try to squeeze my hand...

This person... That voice... I've heard it before...

Frozen in place – the motionless gaze becomes cloudy. I feel like the crack through which I look at this world is filled with something warm. Something hot passed over my face.


My tears...

- Everything will be fine. You can handle it. Take one more step - squeeze my hand...

I'm trying my best to do as he says, but my strength is leaving me.


My eyelids are getting heavy.

My eyes close and I fall asleep again...

- Everything will be fine. I'm near. After all, I promised you that I would wait for you here.

Hot tears flow from my eyes again.


I'm going back to where I came from, but I really want to stay here with this person. But who?.. Who is this person?.. His light... The light of his warm touch... Please don't let go of my hand... I... want... how do I get back to him again?.. I want it so badly!

The accumulated fatigue closed my eyes. The darkness takes me to itself. But I'm not afraid, because I know - He's next to me. He's holding my hand.

The fingers of my right hand trembled with the desire of my thoughts.

- Good girl...

His warm, strong voice echoes somewhere far away, but still very close.

Snow-white space. Door. One person.

The girl, who was in the snow-white emptiness of her loneliness, took a step forward, then fell to the floor, gets up. He takes another step toward the door. A vaguely visible goal takes shape. She wants to see Him again. She wants to live.

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