🖤Classic x Fell🤍

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Classic and Fell had been friends since high school but had lost touch after college. When they reunited, they headed to their favorite bar to catch up.

The night went smoothly, with the two of them laughing and talking about old times. But as the night went on, Fell became increasingly drunk. Soon enough, he was slurring his words and stumbling around.

It was then that Fell confessed his true feelings. He admitted to Classic that he was in love with him. Classic was taken aback. He had never suspected that Fell had any romantic feelings for him. Classic was at a loss for words. He was straight and he had no idea how to respond. He didn't want to hurt his friend, so he chose his words carefully.

'Fell,' he said, 'I'm really flattered that you feel this way, but I'm afraid I'm not interested in that kind of relationship. I'm sorry.'

Fell was heartbroken. He had been harboring these feelings for so long, but he had never found the courage to tell Classic. He quietly accepted Classic's rejection and they both went their separate ways.

Classic left the bar feeling guilty. He had let his friend down, but he knew it was for the best. He had been honest with Fell and he respected him for that, it was better to tell the truth than hurt him with a lie.

As the years passed, Classic and Fell eventually reconciled. They were able to look back at that moment and laugh, but Classic never forgot the courage it took Fell to confess his feelings, Fell on the other hand has found someone else to love, someone who loves him equally, if even more. 

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