🤍Farm x Horror🤍

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Farm and Horror were high school sweethearts, but things didn't work out for them at the time. They went their separate ways, each trying to find their own way in life. Years went by, and they both found success in their respective careers. Farm became a successful farmer, and Horror became a well-known horror novelist.

One day, they both received an invitation to their high school reunion. Neither of them was excited about going, but they both felt a sense of obligation to attend. As they walked into the crowded gymnasium, they were both struck by how much everything had changed. The once-familiar hallways now seemed eerie and unfamiliar, and the sound of laughter and chatter filled the air.

As they made their way through the crowd, they both felt a sense of discomfort. It wasn't until they saw each other that they felt a sense of relief. They embraced warmly, and the tension in the air seemed to dissipate.
They spent the next few hours catching up on old times, reminiscing about their high school days.

As the night wore on, they found themselves alone in the empty gymnasium. They sat together on a bench, looking out at the dark fields beyond the school. It was then that they both realized how much they still had feelings for each other. They talked long into the night, rekindling their old romance

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