Chapter 39

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After waking her up three times, she finally opened her eyes, and they weren't glazed over. The medication had finally worked its way through her system. When she smiled at him so sleepily, Devin's stern resolutions faltered. "Hey, we need to get you up and moving and put some food into you." He watched her stretch and felt his body take notice of her every movement.

"Is there coffee in there somewhere?"

He tried not to smile at her playful tone but failed. "If that's what you'd like, there can be."

She smiled again. "I'd like." Pulling the robe tightly around her, she wiggled her way up on the bed. A frown appeared on her beautiful face. "I have good news." She flipped the covers back and moved her legs slowly towards the side. "I think the painkiller has worn off, my foot is really throbbing."

Devin knelt beside the bed and gently took her foot in his hands. She hissed when he pulled the gauze from it. It took all his willpower to keep his hands and eyes on only her foot. Yep, I am some kind of sick puppy.

"Is it bad?" Her voice squeaked in pain.

He studied it. It wasn't pretty, but it didn't look like there was any infection around it. "It's not infected, just as I said before, inconveniently located." The inconvenience part being that he needed her mobile and ready to move and she wasn't going to be for a few days, at least.

"I suppose it could be worse then." Rayne bent her knee and pulled her leg up to take a look for herself. She made a female sound that told him she was annoyed with herself. "I will never go in a boat again without my shoes on."

He didn't bother to tell her that hadn't been the lesson she should have learned, but that could wait until later. "I'm going to wrap it again lightly, so you don't get any dirt in it and then we'll go find some food." She nodded and kept looking at her foot.

"Bring back my clothes, please. I'd like to get dressed."

Devin curbed any comment his mind came up with, because no matter what he attempted to say his brain locked in on her changing and wasn't going to budge from there.

He waited for her to wash up and change and waited through two cups of coffee and a light lunch. Devin waited while she went through the pictures on her camera, constantly having to stick to light conversation was wearing his patience down. He had no idea how to begin to work any of this into a conversation. Unless she outright said 'hey, I think I'm a wolf', there was no way to lead into this. Setting the juice on the table, he took the chair opposite her and sat down. "Rayne, I didn't get a chance to tell you about your camp site."

Her head popped up and she grimaced. "Is it bad? Did everything blow away?"

He shook his head quickly. "No, surprisingly enough it didn't." He clasped his hands together on the table, trying to look relaxed. "A few branches scuffed up your car, but nothing a little touch up won't fix."

"Oh." She started to fidget with the camera in her hand. "That's okay, if it's nothing serious it doesn't really matter."

Devin watched her sit there and knew she was avoiding talking about the car. "Are you sure? I can have someone come and take a look at it."

Her head popped back up and she looked at him, eyes huge, panic obvious. "No." She cleared her throat, "it's fine."

Leaning back in the chair he made sure to keep eye contact with her. "What aren't you telling me, Rayne?" He knew already, but wanted this talk to start with her.

She bit her bottom lip and looked down at the camera a few times. Finally, she set it down and flicked her eyes from it to him. "It's technically not my car."

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