Chapter 55

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Hanging up the phone, Devin moved back over to the window and watched Rayne walk along the water's edge. She had run for cover when his agent had called, feeling responsible for the fast departure. He had expected to be raked over the coals and back when he'd answered the call, only to be shocked beyond words when she had told him that he had sold out. Not one single painting left. What had happened to make that possible? He still had no idea, but he'd take it.

Despite the feeling of wonder that had him flying high since last night, the guilt kept overpowering them and leaving him feeling like a heel. He had marked her. She had claimed him. They were a mated pair, and she was none the wiser. His instinct and body had taken over when she'd climbed on him and sunk her teeth into him, unknowingly accepting him as hers, but still he had let it happen and now had to face the truth and tell her—everything. What Devin had to figure out now was how to tell her. It had to be today. He couldn't let it go any longer, not after last night.

His cell phone cut off thoughts. Without taking his eyes off the sunbathed woman, he answered it.

"A car just headed towards the gate."

Calum's news brought his whole body on alert. "Plates?"

"Way out of towners."


"I'm on my way—save some for me."

Snapping the phone shut, he jammed it into his pocket and headed to the front door. His only thought was to reach Rayne before someone else did, but he'd have to stay in skin form until he saw who it was first. As Devin rounded the corner of the house, he looked down to where Rayne was, she wasn't there. His heart slammed to a stop. She had just been there. Inhaling deeply, he sought her scent and almost collapsed in relief when he didn't smell anyone but her. She must have wandered down the path towards her tent.

Jogging in that direction, he focused on listening for the car coming closer. He could hear branches snapping and moving as Calum moved with cat-like speed through the bush from the other direction. When Devin cleared the trees near the small cabin Rayne was using, every muscle in his body came to an abrupt halt. Two large men were with her, and she looked scared shitless.

Tomas had found her.

Branches to his right cracked signaling Calum had arrived. A faint low growl meant for his hearing only told Devin he saw what he was looking at. Moving forward slowly, he gauged the size of the men and knew neither were Tomas himself. Just as he was shifter, so too were the goons that had his mate sandwiched between them.

"Aiden said to bring you back. He doesn't give a damn about the car." The dark-haired man said to Rayne with a smile.

Rayne glared at him. "All he's getting back is the damn car. I am not going anywhere. You can tell him I want nothing to do with him. Ever."

That was his girl. Devin was trying to stay out of their line of sight until he knew Calum had checked out the entire area.

"You can tell him yourself." The other man grabbed her arm and started to drag her along with him.

He cleared the trees and stood in the path. "I suggest you let go of her. Now." Devin felt Calum move up beside him.

The one holding Rayne snorted at him. "I don't know who the hell you are, but you better mind your own business."

He watched the fear appear in Rayne's eyes and had to clamp down on his temper. "Devin Addison."

Calum emitted a low warning growl.

The shock was clear to see as a look passed between the two strangers. They knew exactly who he was. Rayne was pushed in front of them, the cowards were practically hiding behind his mate.

"We uh..." one of them mumbled.

"Didn't know. We thought she was unclaimed and it wouldn't..."

He no longer looked at either of them as both bent down into what could have loosely been termed a submissive pose. He watched Rayne's face as he uttered the next words. "She is marked and if you wish to leave here, you will back away from her slowly." They hunched down further and moved in opposite directions away from her. The confusion was so clear on Rayne's face Devin wanted to drop to his knees and tell her he didn't want it this way.

Calum hunkered down beside him for a second and then moved over to stand with her. He knew the first priority was to get her out of here, as if he'd spoken out loud he circled around her and pushed her gently towards the cabin.

She glanced down at the cat and then at him for a moment before moving quickly to the cabin and going inside. Calum stood outside the door and looked at the cowards almost kneeling on the ground.

Devin had to finish this before he could go to her. "You tell Aiden Tomas who I am—to you and the others that he's trapped into service for him and we'll see if he's man enough to come for her then." They nodded in unison and lifted their heads. "When you're ready to be free, the Alliance will help you." A look of hope appeared in their eyes as they straightened.

"We'll do that. T-thank you." Turning they headed back in the other direction.

Calum chuffed as he went by him to follow them. "Disappointed you didn't get to bite them?" Devin whispered knowing he would hear. He only glanced over his shoulder and then trotted along after Tomas's shifters.

Heart : Animal Senses Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now