Chapter 50

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Pacing over to the window for the tenth time in an hour, Rayne looked out over the city. Even though being in a city was more familiar, it didn't comfort her. How had she gone from being startled in the wild to yearning for it in such a short time? Devin had asked her to stay inside, and she planned on listening, but that didn't mean she couldn't wish to be somewhere with trees and open spaces. Was this part of the changes he spoke of, or was she a complete wreck over everything because of Aiden? Hugging her arms around her waist she decided it was probably a bit of both. Any other time, she'd chastise herself for feeling so down, but considering how many changes had taken place in such a short time, she was more than entitled to having a woe-is-me moment or two.

Devin's cell phone rang, turning she glanced down at the screen. It said Mom. Did she answer it? What if it was important? Before Rayne could change her mind, she picked it up. "Hello?"

There was a long pause. "I'm sorry I must have..."

"Mrs. Addison? This is Devin's phone."

"Oh. So, is this Rayne?"

For a few seconds, she wanted to deny who she was, but realized Devin had told his father, so his mother most likely knew. "Yes."

"I'm so pleased you answered dear. Is my son somewhere close by brooding?"

Rayne had to smirk to that. "No. No, he isn't. He had to go to the gallery and make sure they hung his paintings the way he wanted..."

"He dragged you to his showing? I had hoped he'd postponed it—considering everything that's going on." She paused and there was a definite male voice garbled in the background. "I hope you don't mind, dear, but Devin's father explained everything to me,"

Did she mind? It didn't feel like she should. "No, that's fine Mrs..."

"Please call me Irene."

"Okay." She paced back over to the window and looked longingly out it. "Its fine, Irene, and Devin didn't drag me here, I insisted he not ignore his work because of... everything."

"Well, aren't you sweet."

Rayne watched a bird land on the ledge and couldn't help but wish she was out there with it in the open air.

"I'm not sure how well my son has explained things to you, but I want you to know you can ask me any questions, anything at all. I knew your mother, dear, and it would be an honor to guide you through this."

Her attention was no longer on the bird. She'd forgotten that Devin's mother would be like him, like her parents—like she was going to be. "Thank you." She swallowed a lump in her throat. "Right now, I'm still trying to take all of this in, it's quite a lot to find out all at once."

Irene made one of those mother noises, the ones that let you know you had her attention and sympathies. "I can't imagine I'd handle it as well as you seem to be, Rayne. I don't want you to worry one second about that Tomas person, you will be kept safe."

Heart : Animal Senses Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now