Chapter 48

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Tracking Calum wasn't very hard with the waves of anxiety he was giving off. That and the smell of cat helped. He stood on the edge of the trees, where he'd watched Rayne wander a few days earlier. Devin stopped and studied his tense frame. "Did I miss something?"

Calum snorted. "I seriously doubt you did." He turned and glared at him.

Devin could smell the hostility coming off him.

"Your mate is very close to the change, in case your brain isn't the body part doing the thinking..."

"I know she's close." And he did, which is why he wasn't going near her right now. Devin threw his hands up in frustration. "I don't even know how to explain what a woman goes through..."

He snorted again. "Then find someone who can." Calum rolled his shoulders, making Devin realize he was tenser than he was letting on. "I know she's your mate, and it's none of my business, but if I can sense it as strong as I can, then any other shifter will be able to as well." He sighed. "You need to talk to her..."

Devin rubbed his hand across his neck, a headache wasn't far off. "I will." He glanced back into the trees, the constant feeling like he needed to look behind him was starting to get to him. "We're going to Toronto, I can't get out of a show I have to be at."

Calum raised his eyebrows. "You're taking her to your show?" He blew out a slow breath. "Wow, that's..." he shook his head. "Definitely a first."

Devin rolled his eyes at him, making him grin. Calum paced a few feet away and then turned back to him. "I'll call Gage, he's better at the socializing things than I am." He looked back into the trees. "I'll stay here and keep an eye out for Tomas and his crew."

The idea of having to have someone from the Alliance at his show, watching over him didn't sit well, but for Rayne's sake Devin wasn't going to balk about it. "I'll get in touch with my father and see what he knows and fill him in on what's going on."

He nodded. "Maybe you could see if your mother knows anyone that could talk to Rayne..."

Devin huffed out a breath. "Mother doesn't know about Rayne. I'm trying to spare my mate that experience as long as I can."

Calum grinned wide. "Afraid of what Mom will do?"

"You know it."

"I can't say that you're wrong. I think your mother is one of the scariest women I know when she sinks her teeth into something."

He stuffed his hands in his pockets, trying to keep from feeling so jumpy with being away from Rayne again. Hopefully once they were fully mated this constant anxiousness went. "I'll deal with Mother after Rayne knows everything."

Calum sobered as quickly as he'd laughed. "You need to talk to her, Devin." He stared at Devin for a few long seconds. "I'd hate to see anything go wrong."

He didn't know what to say to that, so he chose to say nothing.

"The fact that she has you so unraveled tells me a lot."

Devin scowled. "What do you mean?" I'm unraveled.

"I've never seen you like this, her just being near has toned you down or something, I'm not sure what it is, but there is something different and I don't think it's bad."

Devin wasn't sure he understood. "It's been interesting since she turned up here in the middle of a storm, that much I'll admit, but I don't think I'm any different."

"If you say so." He motioned with his head at the trees. "Now run along back to her, I can tell you're barely able to stand still."

He glared at him and then shook his head, knowing he was right. "I'll tell you what I find out after I talk to father."

"I'll be around."

Heart : Animal Senses Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now