Chapter 47

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Rayne stood in the bathroom long after she was showered and dressed. Her mind was lost in a world of thoughts, most of which she didn't know where to begin to sort through. She was almost relieved when she'd awakened, and Devin was out of the bed. He was there beside her most of the night. She'd surfaced a few times and found herself right against him. He hadn't pushed the fact that they'd had sex, only draped one arm over her most of the night in a very comfortable way. Of course, her hormones had tried to get her attention more than once, but Rayne had already gone way past the point she'd ever been in her life, so after a few stern lectures, she'd been able to thwart any further actions to regret later.

The way she'd been with Devin the night before still shocked her, she didn't do things like that. She didn't have sex with strangers—at least, she hadn't up until now. Although, it felt like more than just sex, but Rayne couldn't put a finger on why she thought that. She couldn't figure out what it was about Devin. Normally, she was in complete control of her thoughts and was right up until she was close to him and then not so much. As soon as he touched her, she forgot everything else but him. Why is that? Why do I want to wrap myself around him and let all these new feelings take me away? It wasn't just the physical feelings. Although they hit her like an explosion, it was all the other ones that were new as well. One of her fears was that she was using him to get through the revelations about Aiden. Rayne didn't think she'd act like that, but wasn't usually at ease with strangers. Yet, here she was entrusting her safety to one, and she believed what he said about everything. Am I making a big mistake? Another big mistake?

Rayne looked down at her foot when she realized that almost her full weight was on it and the pain was barely noticeable. She never healed this quickly, ever, so it must not have been as bad as she thought. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that it had been far too many hours since she'd put food into it. Food... Everything she'd bought was going to waste at her camp site.

Deciding she couldn't hide in the bathroom forever, Rayne opened the door and headed back towards the kitchen. Devin's voice was coming from another room down the hall, he didn't sound happy. She didn't want to listen in, as loud as he was, if she stayed in the house she would be. Turning back Rayne grabbed the cane so she could get down to her campsite without hopping

Rayne turned around, feeling like she was being watched. Devin stood in the hall with the phone against his ear watching her with those grey eyes. Smiling at him, she went out the door.

She congratulated herself as she walked towards the camp, for a moment she thought about driving her car back, but seemed to be managing quite well on foot. Rayne didn't want to baby it too much, she wasn't comfortable with being an invalid. She went around the corner and smiled when to see her tent, still standing where she'd put it up. Okay, where she'd put it up and Devin had fixed it.

As soon as she had started walking she noticed sounds that she had somehow managed to miss since she'd arrived. She could hear the ducks down by the lake, and from the sounds of it momma duck had to issue a few warning squawks to misbehaving little ones. The leaves, having dried out from the endless rain, were rustling gently in the soft breeze that was blowing. Did it always smell this good after storms? She couldn't recall if she'd noticed the smell yesterday. Regardless, she was delighted with how beautiful it all was.

A strange feeling went through her suddenly, like she was being watched. Had Devin followed? Turning slowly, she looked into the trees and then back towards the small cabin. If it was an animal, she'd never make it that far.

"Devin?" She called out quietly, hoping he'd step out of the trees. Two legs or four, she didn't care at this point just as long as it was him. Rayne strained, listening for any sort of movement, although how she'd ever be able to tell the difference between one that should be there and one that shouldn't she didn't know. Unless something not meant to be in the trees wore bells, she was sunk.

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