Chapter 43

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Devin's heart hadn't slowed since she'd touched him while he was on four paws. Never in his adult life had a woman who was not from his own family touched him while he was in wolf form. That small piece that had allowed him to hold onto his restraint had faded quickly after her hand had caressed over his coat. He didn't think it would mean as much to him as it did, added to the fact that he knew she was his mate and he was in trouble.

Now all he had to do was explain that he was her mate and the position he held within the community and Alliance. Devin planned to tell her once he was sure she was ready for more.

He watched her out of the corner of his eye as she read over the archives of her family history, still surprised she was taking everything as well as she was. In the back of his mind, he was waiting for her to scream and run for her car to escape the weirdness of his world.

She turned and looked at him. His heart stuttered when he noticed the tears running down her cheeks. This was not the reaction he pictured. Devin was on his feet and moving towards her before he realized he'd even stood up.

"I have cousins, aunts and uncles?"

He stopped, startled by the question before nodding slowly. "Yes."

She jumped up and then winced when her foot touched the floor. He reached out to steady her and she looked at him, a beautiful smile on her face. "I have a family."

Devin nodded again, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. He'd had a lifetime of family and too many people in his world. She'd only had her parents. "Once we deal with Tomas, I can take you to meet them."

Opening her mouth, she snapped it closed it again and held her hand over it. A wild look filled her eyes. She nodded. "Yes." Grabbing his hand, cupping it between both her small ones she smiled again. "Yes!" She started laughing and squeezed his hand. "I've never met any relatives, I wasn't even sure if I had any..."

His heart swelled in his chest seeing her happy. "Believe me, you have more than enough."

"So, I just read. Both of my parents had three siblings each, I have ten cousins!" She laughed again and then pulled him towards her.

He was just trying to adjust when she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. Devin knew she was just happy, but his body didn't care what the reason, simply she was there causing his blood to kick up the heat. Wrapping his arms around her, he let his hands glide down over her silky hair. At that point he realized he still hadn't put a shirt on as her warm breath brushed over his skin, his body hardening even though he knew she wasn't in his arms for that reason.

With her arms still wrapped around him, she looked up. "Thank you." She sighed. "If it wasn't for you, I would never know." She rested her cheek against his chest, right over his heart. If she'd be still she could feel it pounding.

"I had nothing to do with your heritage."

Laughing she pushed her face into his flesh. "I know. I'm just glad I pointed to a spot on a map and it brought me here."

Heart : Animal Senses Series Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu