06. Day 2 2of4

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    After I finished reading his letter to me, I looked up at him. He had just finished the eggs and brought them to the table. I was watching him as he went back and started to pull one of the chairs back to the table. It looked like he struggled a little so I went and stopped him. He looked up at me a little surprised at first. I could see that he was also a little frustrated that I stopped him too. I held back a chuckle and shook my head. "Kenneth, I know you're not a little kid now. But you are still small. So let me do this." He paused for a moment before he backed up a little. I swung the chair around and put it in front of his plate at the table. Then I grabbed another chair and put it in front of my plate. "Do you want or need help getting up in your seat?" I asked. He huffed before climbing into his seat. I think he was trying to prove that he was not a child that needed help.

    As I sat myself I remembered my friend's kids doing this same thing every now and then. I really thought it was funny, there little pouting faces as they tried to be big boys. Kenneth was almost doing the same face as he sat there looking at me. It must be a size thing and not an age thing. I thought to myself. Then he stood up on his chair and grabbed some toast setting it on his plate. He had to lean on the table to reach that plate of toast. Then he grabbed some bacon from another plate. I sat there watching him do all this. But when he grabbed some eggs to put on his plate he slipped a little but caught himself before falling. That's when I about jumped up out of my seat and said, "Nope. That's not happening." He turned and looked at me. "You sit and I will get them for you." He did sit, but he also crossed his arms and looked like he was pouting about it.

    As I was dishing him up some eggs I started talking. "Now I read your letter to me and I know you're not a little kid. But there are just some things you can't or shouldn't do. Not because I think you're a kid. But because of your size. Reaching halfway across a table to get hot stuff is just one of those things you simply can't do. So I will be doing stuff like that." I finished giving him the eggs before taking some for myself. Then I also grabbed some bacon and toast. I sat back down and looked at him. "Now eat up while I talk to you about what I think should happen next."

    He was looking at me and I could see the worry in his eyes. So I thought I would set his mind at ease first. "For now, until you get all better, I want you to stay here. I will not be taking advantage of you like the others have done. You are safe here with me and my pack of friends. But I'm going to warn you about some of my friends. You look like a little kid and some... Well almost all of them really, will want to treat you like a little kid. I will talk to them about that. But some are going to ignore me and still want to baby you. So if you can deal with that for a time, I see no problems with you staying here." I paused so gage his reaction about that. He kept his eyes on me but did nod letting me know he understood.

    I nodded back to him and continued. "As for my home..." I paused and thought for just a second. "Well I guess for now, our home." I nodded to him. "Our home." I said again and smiled at the thought. "Everything, every room, you can explore if you want. I really have no secrets here. I would ask that you don't go through my files in my office though. Those are privet and have a lot of privet information about me and my friends. Other then that, the rest of the house and yard, you can consider to be fair game. Just clean up after yourself and put things back after you look at them. As for a place to sleep..." I hummed for a moment thinking about that. "I do have a spare room. But right now it's full. I've been using it for storage. But it should only take me a day or two to clean it out for you. We'll have to get you a bed, but that shouldn't be a problem."

    I was not paying atichen to Kennith just then until I heard a tapping of medial on wood. I looked at him and he whispered. "Friend. Crib."

    It took me a moment to figure out what he was talking about. But then when I remembered I said. "Oh shit. I'm going to have to call him before he brings that stuff over." But then he waved at me and I stopped. He stood up on his chair and grabbed the note he wrote earlier. He quickly scanned it then turned it around for me to read. He was pointing to the line that said. "So if you want a little kid then so be it. For you, for right now, because you kept me from dying, I will be your little kid." I looked at him and asked. "Are you sure?' He nodded to me and sat back down. "Well, you willl need the car seat ether way do to your size. But as for the crib?" He shooed that away like it was nothing. "Well I guess it is just a bed.. I will keep the bars down and get a step stool so you can get in or out when you need to." He just nodded to me and started eating.

    I grabbed a pice of bacon and was eating it when I thought about something else.. "As for you cleaning up the place. I do appreciate your effort. But that's not your job. You're only job around here is getting better. At least for now. I am enjoying the food and coffee. But again, not your job. If you want to help cooking or cleaning, I have no problem with that when I'm awake and we can do it together. But no more waking up early to do it.. I would prefer if or when you wake up before me, you wake me up. I do sometimes have odd hours. But for the most part, I work from home and set my own hours. But there are times I might have to go out at night to take care of some business." I looked at him with a half grin then asked. "Am I going to need to fiiind a babysitter for you if I have to go out at night?"

    I was meaning it as a little joke trying to lighten the mood. But he thought about it. Then he shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. We kept eating in silence after that. There wasn't much to say. But having a one sided conversation was also a little odd for me. After we were done eating I picked up the dishes and headed to the sink. I told him to go explore the house if he wanted while I cleaned up. I had gotten all the dished to the counter and was about to start washing them when I felt a little tap on my leg. I looked down and he was standing there looking a little embarrass. I asked him what was up and he shyly pointed and tapped his crotch. It took me a moment to figure out what was wrong when I said, "Oh crap." He put his hand over his mouth and looked up at me. He nodded and I could see that he was actually smiling behind his hand. That made me chuckle a little. "No need to be embarrassed with me, or any of my friends ether. Not about that. But next time tell me sooner when you need a change. I'm sure, now that I think about it, you probably needed a change when you woke up. Remember, this is all new to me and I willl need reminders sometimes. But for now,, lets get you changed."

    I didn't even think about it as I picked him up and headed upstairs to my room. It didn't click in my head until I had already laid him down on the changing pad and I had a diaper in my hand. Then I paused staring at him. "I should have asked to pick you up. I should have made sure you were okay with me doing this." He was shaking lying there. He had his hands covering his mouth and his whole body was shaking. But then I heard him laughing. So that was a relief to me. "What's so funny?" I asked and it took him a minute to get himself under control enough to answer.

    He pointed to himself and whispered, "Kid". Then he pointed to me and whispered, "Daddy. Then he whispered, "Daddy no ask kid. Just do. I understand. It okay." Then he started coughing. He covered his mouth with his arm trying to stop. He ended up rolling to his side and curling up on himself. I ran downstairs and grabbed the throat spray from the table. When I got back to the room I quickly held it in front of him waiting for an opportunity to use it. He gave me one and I sprained quickly. He coughed a couple more times before he laid there trying to catching his breath. I waited before asking him if he was okay. He nodded then whipped the tears from his eyes and face.

    "Okay, no more talking from you. Not unless you really need to. And if you do, make sure you have this with you just in case." I showed him the bottle of throat spray. "I really need to get you in to see my doctor friend. And soon. But for now, lets get you changed and into some clothes for the day." After getting him cleaned, the medicated cream on him, and then a fresh diaper on his butt, we went downstairs to see what clothes Sam brought for him.

    All the clothes were defentally meant for a very young kid if not a baby. At least not all of them had built in mittens. And most had legs at the bottom instead of what looked like a bag. "I did tell my friend that you were a little kid. But I didn't tell him that you were an intent. I'm guessing that he just grabbed a stack of clothes not knowing that some of these were in here." I looked at him sheepishly while he was holding up on intent sleeper. He did hold it up to him to see if it was his size. He was surprised when he found out that he could actually fit in it. He whispered, "Big kid" before setting it aside. We went through the clothes and I had him pick out what he was going to wear for today. He chose what looked like a top and bottom. When on him, he would look like he was wearing blue overalls with a red shirt. But in reality, it was all one pice that would go over his head and snap up the legs. There was also a zipper in the back that went from his waist to the neckline. We both found out about the zipper after it was almost on him. He had gotten his head stuck when I found it. Next time he was going to pull them up like pants. We looked for socks next and found a pair that when on him, made him look like he had boots on. We were booth laughed a little when he stood up. He looked like a little farmer in this got up. But it was soft and would keep him warm if we have to go outside for any reason. The only thing missing were shoes. But for now he was set for the day.

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