13. Shopping and more.

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After we got dressed I found out just what it's like to sit in a car seat for the first time. Before when I was treated like a baby, I was a lot smaller. And after that I never really went anywhere for years. Sitting here in the back seat was a relief. At least I wasn't in a cage or worse, the trunk or the back of a truck. Being in a cage in the back of a pickup truck wasn't so bad in the summer. But the winter really sucked. The trunk of a car was bad all the time. But here I was, sitting in my own seat inside of a car.

I was nurses at first when we headed out to the car. But he showed me where I would be sitting and I almost cried. He tried to apologize about the need of a car seat. He even tried to explain that because of my size it was needed for safety. But I covered his mouth trying to stop him while shaking my head. When he stopped talking I sighed "thank you" to him. I don't really think he understood why. He was hesitant with the straps that held me to the seat. He explained that they were for safety and I nodded to him. I understood the reason for them. I even helped where I could. Witch wasn't helping at all come to find out.

After I was all strapped in he handed me my teddy bear. I took it just in case I needed it. I already had my pacifier dangling from my mouth. He got in the drivers seat, and after strapping himself in, we took off. I was looking out the window the whole time he was driving. I could actually see what we were passing. This was a new experience for me. This seat was facing forward where the last time I road in a car, it wasn't. Back then, all I could see was the shy out a back window. And as for the cages in the back of the pickup trucks. Those were so short I had to lay down to fit in them. And I couldn't see over the side of the truck. So this all looked amazing to me.

We started off driving through a lot of trees. Then we got out of those and I could see other cars around. And there were really tall buildings that we passed. I was brought out of my own head when he said. "Now, we're going into town. I would prefer that you stay close to me at all times. I don't want you getting lost. I will be using a shopping cart that has a seat in it meant for kids your size. You don't have to use it. But if you want, you can. We are going to need diapers and clothes for you that are your size. Coats, shoes, and other stuff that you need. Then some other stuff that you want. But then we also need to get food that you can eat and that you will like to eat too. So start thinking about that." I nodded to him, but I didn't really know what I liked besides what he has already been feeding me. So I figured I would let him pick out that stuff.

When we pulled into a parking lot it looked just as full as the one he rescued me from. Memories from that time had me shaking a little. I was hugging Teddy to my chest when he came around to get me out. I think he saw the panic in my eyes when he opened my door. "Would you feel better if I carried you?" I looked up at him and nodded. After unstrapping me from my seat, he held me tight to him. I put one arm around his neck, still holding Teddy with my other. He was walking when I felt the air change and I knew we were inside the store. He asked me a moment later if I wanted to sit in the cart. He showed me the cart and it looked like my crib, only made out of metal and a lot smaller. He showed me where I would be sitting and I nodded. It was still close to him but would let him grab things we needed.

I kept Teddy tight to my chest in the beginning. But after a while I started to relax some. Sitting here I was able to look around as he walked. The first place we went was to get more diapers for me. I was a little embarrassed at first. But then I saw other people my size sitting like I was. And when I looked in there carts I saw that some of them had ether pull-ups or diapers in them. As we passed one of these carts a little boy waved at me. I was hesitant at first, but I did wave back at him. He smiled at me then started playing with his stuffed toy.

I wasn't paying attention to what daddy was putting in the cart behind me this whole time. But just before we got to the shoes I looked. Two packages of diapers. A couple bottles. And a couple of pacifiers were sitting right behind me. It looked like a lot of stuff and I knew it was all meant for me. I put my hand on his and he looked down at me. I shook my head and said. "To much." He shook his head at me and told me not to worry about it. Well, I was worried about it.

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