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What really happened last night.
Kennith's POV


I heard a phone ringing and that woke me up from a really odd dream. The dream was about me and this guy I'm staying with right now. He was a werewolf and he took me in. But he wanted me to be his puppy and he changed me. And I really liked being his puppy. But I also wanted to help and be big like him. But I was never able to be as big as any other werewolf. I stayed puppy size and we were still happy. I was able to help when I could. But the rest of the time, I was small and he took care of me. But I was still strong like any other werewolf and could take care of myself. In my dream he would say that he would always be here for me if I wanted him. But he would also tell me, if I wanted to go I could. He wasn't going to hold me back.

In my dream I decided to stay with him and chose to be his baby forever. At least that's what others would see and know. But he would always treat me like an equal privately in our home. Yes, I still needed help with a lot of things. And there were things that were just easier. Diapers 2/7 turned into diapers only at night. I still had to wear pull-ups during the day. But that was all right with me. I ended up enjoying the bottles and other stuff like the soft clothes. So I kept all that, and got more. I had my own room that we turned into a nursery for convenience at first. But I really enjoyed my room. We did end up changing out the crib for a toddler bed. I kept rolling out of bed to the bars on the side helped. And when ever I got sick, he would roll out my crib so I could sleep in that. Most of the time he would put it in his room to make it easier for the both of us. And when ever he got sick I would put my crib in his room right next to the bed so I could help take care of him.

In my dream we were never lovers. A lot of the time were were more like brothers. Me being the younger and him being the older. But then some of the time, he was daddy and I was the baby like right now.

In my dream when he came home from work all tired. I would have dinner waiting for him. Then we might watch a show and just relax until bedtime. And then some times when he came home he would be to tired and just want to go to bed. On those nights I would shift to my puppy form and he would hold me like I was his teddy bear and he would get the best night's sleep. I got really good sleep those night too.

But that was just a dream and I was woken up by a really annoying phone. I listened to the call the best I could. Daddy wasn't saying much. But then I heard him say babysitter and I knew he was talking about me. He told the other person that they needed to send a babysitter over for me. He also said that they had better not mess it up or there would be problems. I remembered that daddy said sometimes he might have to go out at night. He also asked me if I thought I would need a babysitter. At the time I just shrugged but I also shook my head no. I could take care of myself. For the most part at least.

I heard daddy getting dressed really fast before he went downstairs. Then he got his boots on and left. He did look in on me as he went by. But I pretended I was still asleep when he did that. But as he left I didn't hear the door getting locked. So after moving the pillow that was blocking me from the side of my open crib, I got up. I had to unsnap the bottom of the sleeping bag I was in to be able to walk. I had almost forgotten that when I tried to get down from my crib. I had to pull up my sleeping bag to walk. But I did leave that teddy bear in the crib, so that helped. I didn't even realize I had my pacifier in my mouth until I got. I just shrugged that off for now.

By the time I got downstairs I heard someone talking on the other side of the door. At first I thought it was daddy. But when he said "I can't believe I have to take care of a little brat. I hate kids. Maybe I should just..." That's when I opened the door and looked outside. I had to look way up to see the head of this guy. I barely came to his waist and he looked like he might have to turn sideways to get through the door. He was huge. He looked down at me and said. "Move kid. I'm supposed to babysit you." I shook my head no, and tried to slam the door shut. But he stopped it and pushed it open. Then he yelled and said. "I said move you little shit!"

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