Chapter 15

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Galene shivered as the pounding in her apartment door got louder. She covered herself with piles of comforters and pillows and buried the earphones deep in her ear to block out the noise.

She stared at the new wound she got on her left arm. Tears ran down her eyes as she quietly muttered a sorry to Drystan.

She couldn't keep her promise of not getting hurt again. In the end all she did was run away. In the end everything she told Drystan were just empty promises. lucky will I be if you were mine

Galene couldn't help but smile sadly at that thought. She remembered how vivid she felt that moment was. And how in her mind she answered him back with a...

... I could already be yours and you won't even know it

Because she would never tell him about how she truly feels.

Because as the pounding and shouts outside her apartment door get louder, reality comes biting back at her and all the fantasy like life she was living up until now felt like a dream.

It's been three weeks. That was how long she was enduring this torture.

The torture of her past coming back to haunt her.


"You think she's fine?"

"She's got a new wound"

"This has been going on for weeks now"

"Reni, you really don't know what's going on with her?"

Serenity shook her head at Malkiel's question as they stare at Galene's direction. Serenity held her boyfriend's hands tightly when she saw another bruise on her arm and another wound on the other.

Drystan gritted his teeth as he stare at Galene talking to the pub manager. Tonight was their gig and for weeks she would always come to school with a new bruise or wound.

Everytime they would try to ask her about it, she would just say nothing. Drystan tried pressing the topic further but Galene would always flip out whenever he tries to. After that day at the infirmary, Galene hadn't kept her promise and arrived next day at school with a new bruise.

Drystan finally had enough and pressed for answers but it only ended with an argument. Now, he can't even talk to Galene and this cold war with her had been going on for days now.

Galene never told them anything, not even to Serenity. When they tried asking Quincey, her only answer was...

...just give her some space for now

Drystan turned his attention to Quincey who was silently staring at Galene too.

"Can you please atleast tell us something?"

Quincey only looked at Drystan briefly before shaking her head.

"It's not something I could tell you guys, she didn't even want Serenity to know and she had been our friend far longer than you guys"

It made sense somehow. If it was something that Galene hadn't told Serenity herself then it was something serious that she wouldn't want anyone to know.

"If it's such a secret then how come you know?"

Kenzo's question made everyone look at Quincey again.

"Because I grew up with her since we were little"

"Then it does have something to do with her family"

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