Chapter 18

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This is a story that no one, not even Quincey and Serenity knew. As Galene lay in Drystan's bed, eyes still hadn't been visited by sleep, memories of how she had first met him invaded her mind.

She was always a sucker for a man with good looks, but a gentle and wise man was her most ideal. So when she met Drystan who had all three of the qualities, she instantly knew that she was attracted. But the more she got closer to him, the more she understood that the attraction she felt was getting deeper and she didn't like the idea of it.

The idea of falling in love was never in her vocabulary. She never believed in it after all. Her concept of love was feeble and easy to change, she didn't like that. That was why she never dated someone she actually liked, she went after those who she knew she would never fall for.

So she who used all her might to annoy and bicker with him slowly hid her feelings behind those arguments. But when things started to change between them, those moments where Drystan's presence suddenly started to grow more within her life, the ties to her feelings unraveled one by one.

Now, it reached the place where she could never hide them anymore. Just a little more and each and every one of it would start to burst out.

She was in love with Drystan.

"Damn it"

Galene covered her eyes with her right arm as thoughts started to invade them once more. She let out a sigh as she pondered on every possible outcome if she were to confess to him.

"It'll be difficult right?"

Galene's family situation isn't normal right now. it never has been. If she were to enter into a relationship with Drystan, she was scared that it would put him in a difficult situation. With how nice and kind Drystan's family is, even though she wants to be a part of it, it would be selfish of her to drag them into her problems.

"Why did I have to be born into that family anyway?"

Galene closed her eyes as anger and sadness started to blossom through her heart once more. That night, she wished for all of her problems to disappear. She wished her life was like that of a fairytale where she didn't have to worry about being with the one she truly loved.

But this was her reality.


"Astraea do you want to tell the others about this? Even Serenity doesn't know, does she? They really were worried about you"

Drystan asked as he walked side by side with Galene. He had accompanied Galene home to get changed and walked with her towards school. He wasn't particularly relieved to let her go alone yet. Judging by how her neighbors were fuming earlier, he had anticipated that her father might have caused another scene when she was out of the house.

Galene contemplated for a while before looking up at Drystan who was just worriedly staring at her.

"Then, let's do it later at the club room"

Drystan smiled at Galene and ruffled her hair lightly. Galene found it endearing rather than annoying. To think that that smile was meant for her, made her heart flutter.

"Alright let's do that"

"Ahh but Zael, aren't you concerned that the other kids might talk about this?"

"Hmm talk about what?"

"Talk about us going to school together like this"

"Ahhh they can talk about it, I'll even appreciate it if it becomes known to the whole school"

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