Chapter 1

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     Leafstar lead Lorena through the shadows of a dim forest. She lead her friend into an old badger den. 

"I-is it safe?" Lorena asked, feeling doubtfull about it being a badger den.

 "Of course, the scent is stale, I would never put us in such danger anyway." Leafstar replied, casting a loving glance at her friend.

 Inside, sandy floors promised a soft sleeping space. They didn't have time to collect moss, or hunt for that matter. The thick orange sun was sinking fast below the horizon. They decided to check the back if the den to see if it would be more sheltered against the cold night breeze threatening to come. Lucky for them, there was a soft sheltered space just in the back with green moss growing on the sides.

 Roots dangled above their heads as they checked for any danger. As they tore down the moss and slowly pressed it into the sand to make a soft sleeping hollow Leafstar thought of the responsibilities that lay ahead.

Leafstar was now a leader of LeafClan, She and her deputy had just gotten back from their long journey to the moonstone. It was their last visit she was sure of it. The Twolegs were taking over the land by building large dens nearby. She wondered if they ever tried to come back, would there even be a moonstone?

Leafstar and Lorena plopped into their newly made nests and fell into a tired daze from their long trip.

Leafstar stretched her jaws into a yawn. "We'll sleep here and pick up the kittypets around sun-high," Leafstar meowed wrapping her ginger tail around her white pelt.

She stared at her dark ginger paws as she flexed her claws in and out. Lorena turned her head towards Leafstar with tired pale green eyes flashing.

"Do you think the kittypets will stay in LeafClan once they join?" Lorena asked nervously before yawning.

"Yes why wouldn't they?"Leafstar answered in a tone Lorena couldn't match.

"Well I thought life in a clan would be rough for them, I mean... They have spent their life being pampered by Housefol- I mean Twolegs." Lorena murmured licking her cracked pads, weared down from stepping on tough ground.

Leafstar thought for a moment before replying."We were once Kittypets, look at us now." she thought about that some more. "We were pampered by Twolegs and we're perfectly strong and capable of caring for ourselves.

"Yeah, I guess you could be right Leafstar." Lorena replied before curling up into a ball and squeezing her eyes shut.

"Now we need to get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us." Leafstar meowed.

Lorena blended in with the sandy floor, her golden fur looked invisible except for the brown stripes on her legs. Leafstar looked out the den, the last ray of sunshine was piercing through the leaves of an oak tree like a sign from StarClan.

A huge ginger tom stalked into the den. Leafstar recognized Thunderstar, the first leader of ThunderClan, stars flowing around his slightly transparent pelt.

This is were LeafClan territory shall be. Thunderstar nodded and disappeared into the darkness as the one ray of sun flickered out and dissolved into the icy night air.

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