Caring hands

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A/N: I'm excited to do another fanfiction! My second favorite anime, Sould eater! Bare with me on this! Enjoy!💚
You've grown up a happy child, you were doing great in school, you had a few friends but no one extremely close to you. You liked being alone, it gave you time to think, listen to music, enjoy life. Something happened at school, kids started to pick on you and make fun of you. You had learned you were a mister/ weapon. Kids thought you were strange and didn't take well to your ability.

(Readers pov)

Walking around the school, I had forgotten some homework in my locker. As I approached it, I had found someone scratched deeply into the metal 'you don't belong'. I sighed heavily, for this wasn't the first time. People have wrote freak, emo, goth, and best of all, go kill yourself... Oh yes, I love school so much... The living hell I go to everyday. I've never found the urge to hurt myself, there isn't a point in doing that. I've been to councillors before, they've determined I'd be fine. As I retrieved my work, Black Star 'bumped' me causing me to fall into my locker. I shook it off, "Why should I care anymore?" I mumbled to myself as I made my way through the crowded halls. I almost reached my classroom when someone tripped me. I hit my forehead off the lockers, and everyone who knew I existed, laughed and pointed at me. When I reached my classroom, Dr.Stein saw that my head had a bump on it.
" (y/n)! Will you please come here?" Stein asked me. He looked at me funny.
I rolled my eyes as I approached him, "Yes sir?"
Stein leaned in closer to my face,"Why is there a lump on your forehead? Would you like to go to the nurse or something?" He whispered so only could hear.
Whispering back. I looked him in the eyes and tried lying,"I fell when I was walking here. It'd be great if I could go home though..."
"After class, we are going to have a little discussion. You aren't in trouble, I just have a few questions." I shrugged my shoulders and told him I had no problem with that. I walked up to my seat, I had a note on my desk. I didn't even care to open it, I'll just wait till after class. During class I had paper thrown at me, spit balls, and notes. I wasn't happy. I was done with the shit people were putting me through... In the middle of class one kid whispered in my ear,"I've heard you're a hooker. Is there a chance you could stop by my house later tonight for something free?" I looked at him dead in the eyes, "Isn't that what your mother is for? Or does your dad use you for that?" He got mad and put a fist up in the air like he was going to punch me. I sat there with no emotion when Dr.Stein told him it was detention for him.
{time skip; after class}
"(Y/n), I have a few reasons for making you stay after class. One of them being, you are getting bullied." Stein said in a serious tone.
I looked at him, shaking my head I looked away, "Who doesn't get bullied? It's not like it bothers me." I rolled my eyes, he couldn't stop them from targeting me...
He put his rather large hand on my shoulder, catching my attention. "They aren't targeting anyone but you. I know what they say to you, I've heard it and seen it on your locker. I've seen you get notes on your desk, may I read the one from today? Please?" He has so much sympathy for me, I thought while pulling out the note from earlier.

Souls wasting away (Dr. Stein x student reader)Where stories live. Discover now