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I sat inside my room of the place I found a prison. My mind going deep into the madness was basically the only thought I've had in the first few weeks. My other thought was how was Stein. We barely saw each other and were always in our rooms trying to gain our sanity, the little we could. When we ate together it was silent, an occasional 'how are you doing?' was always in order but both of us replied with the same thing. "Mad". I always wanted to be with Stein because I felt like he was the only one who understood me. He understand the feeling of losing yourself without any control or say in it. Every time I saw him I wanted to be in his arms for comfort and told it'd be ok. Until one night I finally broke.

"I can't take this anymore!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and flung myself to the floor. My laughing fits were beyond controllable and blood was all over my chin and hands. I had basically bitten holes into my lips from preventing these laughs. I wasn't the only one who had the laughing. I'd catch Stein ever so often give a few chuckles and giggles but only rarely would you hear an actual laugh. For me, the laughs would attack me every day. My eyes would change, my body would go in weird posses, and I'd lose it. I've broken my mirror, broke my knuckles, and fingers punching walls to escape this place only to lock myself behind the steal closet door until I calm down. Stein always came running in and just like this time. Instead of me telling him I needed his help, I stood on my feet with his help and just clung to him. "I can't do this anymore... When will this end?" I said with tears on my cheeks.

He hugged me tightly and pulled me closer to him, "It will be over soon... I promise (y/n)." he stroked my hair and was gentle as I cried. "Lord Death says the kishin is going to be defeated soon." That's when we heard Medusa's wicked voice.

She cackled evilly as we both heard her voice slithering around the room, "That's what he is telling you but what you don't realize is, madness has taken over. (y/n) was injected with black blood when I stitched up her wounds and Stein is just naturally mad." She cackled more and we could feel our madness growing. I clung onto Stein and he held me tighter as we both tried to prevent ourselves from slipping away completely. Her voice only got closer as the madness took over. I felt like a mindless zombie with no control of myself. "Be a good child and walk out of the room while the adults talk." Medusa said as she watched my normal eyes turn to a crazy look. That's when I basically felt like a locked up soul. I felt like I was just watching someone else take over my body and all I could do was watch. My body got up and walked out of the room where I started just laughing like crazy. I was biting my nails and bending in weird forms until I finally saw Stein who was now full of madness himself and Medusa who was in a child's body come strolling out of the room. I knew we were all doomed if no one stopped her.

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