Pointing fingers

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I sat inside of Dr. Stein's house as he prepared dinner for Spirit and I.

¨How long have you been getting bullied?¨ Spirit asked trying to understand the situation better.
¨Real as long as I can remember... They've been getting violent lately, explains the broken window.¨ I say rubbing the back of my neck. I honestly wish I could explain why everything was going on, besides the fact that people are cruel.

¨Well I want you to start hanging around Kid. He maybe annoying but he can get you some good insides on everything. Plus no one messes with Death's son.¨ Stein said as he made us mac and cheese as a quick dinner. We all sat around as we ate, watching the Death City News, listening to them talk about the kishin. Then something hit me, "Can't these bullies become kishin eggs after harassing and harming others?" Stein and Spirit looked at each other, and sat in their spots thinking. "If their actions continue to grow worse, killing innocents for their souls, then yes... We will keep an eye on all students who are accused of bulling."

*next day in the death room*

"So what you're telling me is we have kids that believe bulling is a joke? Now tell me again what happened last night (y/n)." Said Lord Death. I sat there nodding my head, "I was about to get a shower when a rock went flying through my window. The glass had shattered, scratching my back and sticking in my back. I needed stitches and thats when Dr. Stein came in to help me. He took me to the hospital where I received the stitches." Lord Death has always frowned upon violence, "Who do you think was behind the attack?" I stumbled with what I was going to say next, unsure if I should blame Black Star because this seemed to be something he would do. I'm sure of other kids but I have a sick feeling he did, "Lord Death sir, I'm unsure but I've got suspicions who it was... I don't want to point fingers but I believe it was Black Star, would you care if I talked to his partner about it? If I get information from her, I could get leads onto who it was." He sat there thinking when Dr. Stein finally spoke up about his opinion. "I'd love to help one of my best students. To protect her, let her stay with me under your permission."
Lord Death sat there in thought for a while, "A student staying with a teacher... I know this is to protect (y/n) but I don't fully agree with it... I will allow this once but the word of this stays between us. No student or staff is to hear of this, agreed?"
Stein and I both said agreed at the same time. Lord Death told us to leave is office so I went to my classes like usual and heard people laughing and snickering. I put my earbuds in so I could just move on. Once I reached my locker I found notes on and in it. "I hope no glass got in your eyes! I'd want you to see me when I get bigger than you'll ever be."
"How aren't you dead?! Why don't cha?"

"Ohh... That's so sweet of them. They shouldn't have... I stuffed the notes in my bag after reading the 2 out of 5. I walked to my last class, Dr. Stein, handed him the notes and sat at my seat. I could tell he was frustrated with these so he grabbed Black Star, told Sid to sit in and teach for a little. Sid patted me on the back when he went by me. After 10 minutes of waiting, Black Star had a major indent in his head where I'm guessing Lord Death hit him. Tsubaki sat there open mouth, Soul said his usual line, "not cool man...", Maka looked at me and I could see it in the corner of my eye. 

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