A Letter In A Journal

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Months after, life was peaceful. I didn't know what to do in my free time besides relax. Stein still taught at the school and sometimes I'd come visit my younger friends. Maka & Soul were in their final year of school and were going to be leaving like i did but Soul may become the next Death Scythe like Maka had always dreamed of doing.

Soul and Maka will come around on occassions and ask Stein for help and sometimes show me new moves they figured out. For a while there, they were teaching me in their free time. Sometimes Black Star would come over, mainly because Tsunki missed hanging out like we used to. Kid and the pistols visited little but i always got letter from Liz and Patty. I had found one way to make Kid come visit. I'd make my hand writing all crooked and fold it unevenly till finally he came over and "taught me" how to be symmetrical. That took him 3 hours because I'd purposely do it wrong.

I usually have something to do on weekends. Stein and I go out and train together. He has plans to try and make me a Death Scythe as well. My dreams are to stay in Death City as well, but i think Stein wants a better life for the both of us. Yes, the both of us together. He was talking about retiring from teaching and go on to be a traveler/scientist for a few more years.

Now, people may think its weird that Stein was once my professor but i just dont think either of us give a damn. I have my nights where i wonder about everything because of people talking at the school, but Lord Death said it was fine because i was out of school. Life became simple, easy, and worth living since school became not an issue anymore. Stein and I are working slowly on being super romantic with each other because we started out very fast. We don't want to rush something sweet and we want it to last. I'm now admitting to myself that i am starting to love Stein because through everything, he's been there for me. When we were going through madness, he always tried to check on me and help me.

I miss you Dad. I'm going to hopefully find you one day. I'm close to being a Death Scythe and that will give me the option to travel. I'll do my search here to find where you are and maybe we can be a family again. Stein has the hopes of staying together so we will see. But untill next time i write, I'll work harder everyday to solve the mystery of where you went.

Your baby girl
Aye oh everyone! It's Angel. If you liked this ending and opening for another book, please like and comment. If i get great feed back, i will open up another book about your adventures with Stein in search of your missing father! Sooo until next time, stay cool kids!♡

Souls wasting away (Dr. Stein x student reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora