Little mad

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After class, Maka walked over to me just when I was about to leave.
"Are you ok?" She said grabbing my arm, preventing me from leaving.
I took one earbud out, "Yea. Just really want to go home and sleep off today. Luckily it's Friday and no school tomorrow..."
"Are you sure? What Black Star did was unforgivable. He's always pushing my buttons so I know what you are going through. I know you stay close to Dr. Stein a lot and I don't blame you. He's great when it come to being protected but don't always depend on him. He is mad after all..." Maka said rubbing her arm.
"We all go a little mad sometimes, haven't you?" (A/n I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF<3) I said putting my ear bud back in and walking away from her. I started to head toward my apartment where I picked up my stuff. I put a weeks worth of clothes in my bag and started walking to Stein's house.

"You didn't have to rat me out like that!" Black Star yelled to me but I just turned my music up. "I'm talking to you!"
I continued to walk and ignore him. I shot out a scythe blade from my arm like I was going to fight someone, no stopping just a little shine of its blade into his eyes. "Let me talk to her... You may not want to mess with her anymore..." Tsunkai said as she ran ahead to me.
"Do you guys not get the hint? I have stitches in my back because of him... I don't want him around..." I said with both earbuds in and scythe retracting back.
"I understand that. He's just a child and doesn't understand his actions are truly cruel sometimes." She said as I heard Soul catch up with Black Star and they were talking with Maka as well.
"Then why doesn't anyone train the child to grow up? Sorry isn't going to pay for my E.R. visit... Maybe distance will keep both of us from those bills because I won't hold back from him if we ever fought." I said and a layer of silence came in.
"No mercy." Black Star said from behind me. I got up and faced him while Tsunkai ran to the rest of the group to warn them.
"No holding back." I replied giving him a mad smile. "You real want to fight someone with no control over  madness?!" I said letting my scythes come out. I was faced toward him and with a big smile, "We can go any time!"

"Don't do this (y/n)!" Maka yelled, "You'll only stoop to his level and that's what he wants!"
I retracted my scythes once again and sprung over Black Star to pick up my stuff and talk to the group. My mad smile was gone and all I had was a small smirk. "Next time don't bring anyone to protect you." I whispered to him.
"I don't need anyone to protect me unlike you." He said in return.
"I can fight without a partner or with whoever I want. Now who's needing protection? Without Tsunkai, you're helpless." I said before walking past the group.

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