Me, Myself, and I

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Reader's P.O.V.
Dr. Stein looked me in the eyes and took his glasses off. Now I was able to stare into his amazing green eyes without a glare from light. His eyes felt like seas of peaceful dreams, the complete opposite of who he was. Looking into his eyes was calming, they could cause a raging sea to a peaceful lake. After I snapped out of my trance, I found myself locked lips with him. His lips were soft, his hands weren't rough when they sat nicely on my pale skin, his kiss wasn't rough but rather soft. I don't know what to think, I'm not sure if I'm pleased or horrified by this. I was sure of one thing, Dr. Stein liked me in a way that I had never truly experienced before. He broke the kiss and I found myself blushing. He looked at me in shook, "I shouldn't have done that.... Oh god. I could lose my job, please don't say anything to anyone!" I looked at him and chuckled, "I wasn't going to either way. Just lets get back to my place for food." He calmed down and trusted me.
~Time skip of 5 minutes in a silent car ride~

"Did you like it?" Stein said as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a broom and dust pan. "What do you mean?" I looked at him while trying to sit down and relax. He looked up from the few pieces of glass that was left on the floor and walked over to me. "Our car ride." I chuckled and felt all the butterflies in my stomach go crazy! He was literally driving me to the point of madness which is what I think he wants. "I don't know... I barely remember anything, I kinda blacked out and snapped back into it when you were. Was I supposed to stay sane while it?" He laughed at my joke and walked over to me and messed with my hair. We sat there both chuckling when Stein decided to start dinner, "Finally! I'm starving!" I said jokingly. He looked at me, smiled and shook his head. He walked over to me after taking care of a spaghetti sauce and let it simmer. He set his hand gently on my jawline and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "Why do all the pretty girls have to be... well girls." I sat there. I laid my head more into his hand and giggled. I could feel my cheeks becoming a strawberry red or maybe even a cherry red. "If only you could see how cute you are when you blush." He took his hand away and I grabbed it. I felt like I had no control of myself, not when Stein takes control but out of my feelings. I jumped up from the couch and hugged him tightly. He didn't wrap his arms around my back but he basically wrapped them around my head. "I haven't had anyone be so nice to me in such a long time. No parents in my life, no friends at school, and no weapon or mister. It's just little old me..." I let a single tear roll down my cheek. Stein pushed me off and he wiped the tear away. "Well... Now I don't think you're going to be alone. As long as I am here, you won't be alone." He kissed me gently on the cheek and walked back to the kitchen to finish dinner.

Souls wasting away (Dr. Stein x student reader)Where stories live. Discover now