The beginning of the end

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Stein came out of my room with a pair of white pajama pants with stitches up and down them. He also wore a white undershirt, it was clean and neat. He had started walking out of my room when he walked back in, "What are you doing?" I asked him, curiosity growing in my voice. He came back out with my blanket and a pillow for me. He brought out a blanket that must have been his because it was old, worn out, and torn. He put my pillow behind my back and my blanket around me. He sat down on the couch to my left and peacefully sat down as the last few ads were ending. I got up and grabbed my best blanket, which was a black and purple throw blanket. It was super soft and had a matching pillow which I gave to Stein as well. As I gave him the blanket and sat down the movie was about to begin.

~ Time Skip of 20 minutes~

The movie was already getting scary and I'm not exactly the best when it comes to getting scared. One of the jump scares caused me to jump to the closest person, of course it was Stein. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to get this close." My cheeks began to blush as Stein smiled and looked at me. "Don't be sorry. If you get scared you can always sit closer to me." I looked at him and accepted his offer. I grabbed my blanket and threw it over us. I started off by just sitting beside him. By the end of the movie I found myself laying my head on his shoulder and hugging his chest cause of the scares in the movie. He had one arm wrapped around me while I jumped from everything, giggled at my jumps when it was a little scare and hugged me when it was big scares. After the movie was over, Dr. Stein had carried me to my room because I fell asleep by the end of it. I could feel him brushing my bangs out of my face after he laid me down.
~Time skip to midnight~
I was tossing and turning, nightmares of people trying to hurt me. People screaming. Screaming for me to kill myself. They threw pocket knives at me, screamed emo, and laughed at me. Someone grabbed me from the behind and put me in a head lock. I was stuck and scared. The nightmare was so real... Some of them came at me with knives and through the nightmare, I could feel the pain they were causing me. They started cutting at my face and I screamed in terror. "NO! PLEASE NO! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed while throwing my body everywhere. Stein must have heard me and ran into my room. He grabbed me and hugged me, whispering in my ear that it's ok. "I promise, it's ok. Wake up (y/n), please wake up. It's just a nightmare." I calmed down and found myself in his strong muscly arms. He was stroking my hair and was rocking me in his arms. I started to sniffle. I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks and started to sob. "Don't let anyone hurt me... I can't go to school. Everyone hates me, no one wants to be near me because I'm a mister and weapon... Why can't they just understand I'm unique? Maybe I'm just a freak like they said...." He grabbed me by my arms and looked me in the eyes. "You will never be a freak. You aren't going to school tomorrow because it seems like it's affecting you how everyone treats you... I'm going to stay with you too, you're not allowed to be alone." He set his lips on my forehead and I melt into his arms as he hugs me again. That night, I fell asleep in his arms that night. That was the beginning of the end.

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